Thursday, September 29, 2016

Festering Hatred Within, When Unleashed is Lethal!

Festering Hatred Within,
When Unleashed is Lethal!
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

Yes, people do wrong, no matter who, what or where you are, wrong decisions are made in the millions.  Some are so stupid we ignore them.  Mistakes are either unavoidable and simple or they are far reaching to some.

History proves this over and over.  

Slavery, it was a business advantage that the New World took advantage of. Was it wrong to use humans as pawns?  Of course, it continues today in the form of Global Human Trafficking, Sexual Exploitation of Children, underpaid workers in 3rd World countries, daily people are disgustingly taking advantage of others and it is all happening right in front of our eyes. 

The terrorist or lone wolf actor holds grudges and hatred and has done so for decades.  Then, unleashes their wrath and increases the Fear Factor within society.  

Those that are radicalized are filled with others insanity and are the instrument of the continuation of terroristic actions are among us and their prior actions, statements, changes in personality are obvious, even you think it is just nothing. 

Nothing happens without someone else knowing, whispering or openly discussing the situations.  The public, Yes YOU know so much and say so little. 

Who though are first to complain when crimes like these are caught and become headlines.


We cannot be held responsible for the actions of our deceased forefathers, we must be responsible for the action of those living who are friends, acquaintances or business colleagues.  Or it could be what we hear as we pass by someone or in the next booth in the eatery conversing.

Remember, the People Are The Police and The Police Are The People.

Collectively we need and demand your help when you see something, say something. Be proactive in the information gathering that is so necessary today.

Behind the scenes, we do a lot more but require your input.

Atmospherics, CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner has developed and proven since 2004, the key to gleaning information on those that scoff and break the law.  

Yes, Criminals, Terrorists, Gangbangers, Killers, Rapists, Pedophiles, Drug and Human Traffickers, the list goes on and we have the ability to watch your actions and be proactive in the cessation of your illegal subversiveness.

It is a far different world of Social Media Monitoring, Crime Analytics, Community Crime Mapping, and importantly Predictive Analysis.  

Law enforcement still follows the Policeman's Bible, the Nine Peelian Principles with added technology that has been proven strong, effective and makes it safer for our communities.

It is up to global law enforcement to understand that commercial enterprise has already achieved what you are attempting to achieve in Digital Policing, Atmospherics, which is the key!

To the future!

Oh, take a look at CommSmart Global Group's  AUCOS, which links experienced retired officers and formidable technology to solve the crime!

This will change the street smart information of a community and enhance officer, public safety, and our corporations.

Yes, this is a Change, a change that is for the betterment of all.


USA: +1 (330) 366.6860

Europe: +31 611.303489

UK: 0844 774 8545
Copyright 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Join Us In The Atmosphere - Ground Control to Major Tom...

Join Us In The Atmosphere 
Ground Control to Major Tom...
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

This morning, our first article on Atmospherics  - Digital Policing was published in Police Resettlement Magazine, page 14.

Circulation 140,00 to the policing community, especially in the UK.  

Plus a global digital reach that is fantastic!

Click for Atmospherics Page 14 


This is a firm building block and is what do, we stated what we would do and how we would work and it has come to fruition as I expected!

To say I am elated is an understatement, taking control of my enthusiasm and forging ahead with vigor, passion and an incredible team, which I am glad to be a part of.

To our partners and clients, thank you, you drive the innovation within us and I hardheartedly thank you. 

When we launch next month the new capabilities it will blow your minds and change Digital Policing forever... 

No one, I mean no one has the elements for success in social media monitoring, analytics, community crime mapping and predictive analysis all tied to the vast repository of public data with our Risk Solution Partner, LexisNexis, a sturdy British corporation with Dutch ties, a true global asset!

Upward and Onward, our cry is heard, Once more into the breach dear friends, once more...  (Thanks Will S.)

Next article will be on AUCOS, Atmospheric Unsolved Crimes and Open Cases Squad.  

To the future!

This will change the street smart information of a community and enhance officer, public safety, and our corporations.

Yes, this is a Change, a change that is for the betterment of all.


USA: +1 (330) 366.6860

Europe: +31 611.303489

UK: 0844 774 8545
Copyright 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

YOU are the Key to Securing the Future... Personally and Corporately!

YOU are the Key to Securing the Future...
Personally and Corporately!
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

You know it so well, life is far from the days you came into the world with.  Your expectations have changed and your concerns have altered.

The bombardment of information that hits you up front and personally each and every day cannot and will not be processed effectively.  Important information slips through the cracks or is hidden in the massive amount that you are expected to digest.

Are our supposed standards of communication reduced to 'thumbing and fingers'? 

Second guessing, objections, and misunderstood comments are part of life.  Our communications cannot be handed down from person to person without the meaning being turned on its rear end by the time it reaches the final person. Facts become fiction as they travel through the unsociable world.

You would have thought that the IT department would be excellent communicators.  They are not! 

IT is a Kingdom and do not dare try to tell me how to run 'my' world when it comes to data and computers.  Words heard globally!

Digital technology, secure technology is available when you logically enact the capabilities.  It is a Digital World on all fronts, especially in Digital Policing.  It is impossible to understand the global information flow without the assistance of computers and software.

Crime is one place that it is necessary and been recognized by CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner.  It is experience and innovation that leads in this field, that is why we are so passionate about how data is used to being a solution for all.

The analytic use of data, whether it be public or RMS/CAD, we are there for the ability to forensically delve down to solve and resolve criminal acts.

Time is money and in solving the crime, we know the budgets have been cut to the bone.  You need help, assistance and from an information perspective, we have the answers.

This will change the street smart information of a community and enhance officer, public safety, and our corporations.

Yes, this is a Change, a change that is for the betterment of all.


USA: +1 (330) 366.6860

Europe: +31 611.303489

UK: 0844 774 8545
Copyright 2016