Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Identify & Clarify

Street Level Digital Input Solutions
Full Criminal/civil Analytics, Tracking, Call for service, Next Event Predictability, intelligent social survival initiatives

Telephone: +1 (317) 426.0110

In Case of Emergency, Identify & Clarify…

We have been indoctrinated in the art of questioning and searching for information and answers in all that we do.  The Internet search engines allow us to have instantaneous information, that must still be verified are all at our fingertips to make sane or profitable decisions.  The last couple of generations have this aptitude for more information and it is in their DNA.

The concerns of all today are what happens in a tragic event, school attack, workplace violence or at any social gathering experience.  These violent events will continue no matter what the Left or Right want regarding gun; magazine or backgrounds, whether they are changed or stay the same.  It is the ability to proactively know the victims and their medical needs concerning their injuries.  Today, so many people are on differing medications and have allergic reactions to many of the simple remedies used in a triage situation. 

This of course includes traffic accidents or other situations where the injured are either incapacitated to the point of not being able to communicate.
Knowledge is not only power, it is a time and lifesaver when it is readily available.

Tracometry© and its innovation management are always searching out solutions that tie in to information and its dissemination in a timely fashion.  This is what we do with RAIDS online,  BAIR Analytics© solution, collecting street level information via digital input and processing with algorithms and human pattern modules, to precisely predict the trends and next events.

Indentifying individuals and their medical concerns and whom they are, is vital and can only be accomplished by an “on-person” identification process. 

Biometrics is always on professional responder’s minds, but not every department has these expense devices for finger printing or eye scans yet, but they are coming.  Tracometry has the answers for now and the future with our secure PosiQR© I.D. and NFC Solutions, which is scanned by any mobile smart phone with Internet capability, the medical history information is retrieved in seconds.  Our Penamatics© digital pen and paper solution works in a similar way and can be used in many other medical applications and solutions.

Capturing the information from individuals is as easy as someone subscribing as an individual, family, school district, corporation, hospital, even the military.  The information is securely available through the database and encrypted.

This brings ease for all families and employers to know if there is anything untoward occurred in an emergency.  The solution informs the EMT’s of your medical concerns and allergies and even which hospital to transport you to.  Indentifying individuals and medical concerns in real time is a necessity in today’s information age. 

This is a full database of enrolled schoolchildren, family members, workforce and a hospital can use this as a “Loyalty Program”.  Imagine that you can offer your loyal patients a service of all their records securely available, anytime, anywhere in a medical emergency worldwide and even transported to the hospital of choice.

It is about Indentify and Clarify, which in turn saves lives…

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Copyright 2013

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