Thursday, October 8, 2015

Cyber Security, Semper Fi with Integrity!

Cyber Security, Semper Fi with Integrity!
by Nick Ashton CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

Semper Fi
"The motto of the U.S. Marine Corps is Semper Fidelis, Latin for "always faithful".
Until 1871 it was "First to Fight", a motto that still applies. Through the years, Marines have
shortened it to Semper Fi, and "Semper Fi, Mac" is the universal Marine Greeting."

In fact we say Semper Fi to all platforms and devices:



In this cyber world when you are entrusted with other people’s information, all that is of value, including SSN#, banking and financial data, family members and their complete history, your integrity has to be and is demanded to be of the highest.

Sadly it is not!

As the daily news reports show, hacking is alive and well.   Very profitable for the cyber terrorists.  The victims are not so lucky!  Those that have failed in preventing such attacks have no idea why or how they were attacked until it has happened.  They had not put in place proactive measures which work in “real time” to monitor the daily usage.

Security is an exceptional IT discipline. It overlaps and supports all other disciplines: computers, networks, access, storage, apps, and data in motion. As IT evolves, so should IT security!

The failure is in those that they believe they know it all, it worked last time, why should it not work now?  IT, from the C-level Executive to the IT grunt is no ordinary job!  It is far different from marketing, accounting or inventory control, it is in the NOW!  It is “real time” which demands hands on actions and a knowledgeable discipline which must be second to none. 

Cyber security is a proactive control with loyalty and integrity beyond reproach. 

We believe and take a far different approach, we do not put the cart before the horse.  In fact in reverse!

Our Cart is Cyber Analytic Red Tag

Having decades of experience in physical and cyber security we look at the attack itself.  Knowing what you are being hit with and its magnitude is vital to your defense.

Proactive preparation is the key.  Collecting the streams of requests for information, the access by whom and where it is being sent, internal changes and all in “real time” is proactive and a must!


Telephone: +1 (614) 655.1247

copyright 2015

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