Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tick, Tock, Tick Tock - The Time Is Now! BOOM! THE BOMBER IS DEAD!

Complacency Regarding the Security
of the Nation is Killing Us!





For it is written in Proverbs 1:32
For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them
English Standard Version (©2001)
For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacency of fools destroys them;
When Homeland Security was formed and it encompassed all those departments after 9/11, I knew and stated back then, the Alphabet Soup Agencies would take at least ten years to integrate, converse on the same level, share information and even acknowledge the existence of a connection between all of them.  I was wrong!
It has not happened and never will.  It is the childish mentality that is leaving local public safety, law enforcement, Fire, EMS and importantly the public who they serve vulnerable and unprotected.
Tom Ridge, our first head of Homeland Security knew it when he was announced as the leader, that the job he had been handed was an impossible one.  Porter Goss, a former neighbor of mine, only served one year as CIA Director, for the simple reason, the multitude of agencies under one direction was doomed and he could see no point in being associated with a failure.
Large conglomerate’s fail because the right-hand does not know what the left hand is doing.  Perfect commercial example, Comcast.  I bet the hands are raised on that one, failed service, bad customer service, and more excuses than Susan Rice on a Sunday morning news program.
Thank goodness we have Public Service Director, Chiefs of Police, Sheriffs, Commissioners of Police, Emergency Management Heads, Public safety Policy Directors that are aware of who they serve and why.  Protecting the public is a thankless job, you more boos than applause, but you keep on doing it.  Complacency is not in their dictionary and never will be.  They sadly are at the end of the Federal chain of untrained animal trainers within the Alphabet Soup Agencies.
I remember being with the Arkansas troopers, who were the security detail for Governor Bill Clinton, they explained to me that their team was called SWAT, which stood for, Servants, Waiters, and Animal Trainers.  The most they ever did was give the Governor one of their ties when he dripped sauce on this tie.  Or, block both ends of a road so the Governor could play some sort of backseat game in the Limo with someone he meets that evening.
Yep, complacency is causing more problems in more cities than are being spoken of on Capitol Hill right know.  Rep. Michael McCaul only touched on the inner problem during the Homeland Security hearings.  If you want to know the true state of security in this country, do not ask the Federal Government.  Our street level management and officers know it best and are having to attempt to keep you safe with cut budgets and resources stretched beyond their limits.  
The government is using outdated technology, weapons that remind me of the Civil War and communications between agencies that basically look like two tin cans and a piece frayed wool connecting them.  Even children today have Smart Mobile Phones and can use them better some adults!
It is time to realize it is the 21st century and the Jetsons are a cartoon!
Is it too late?  No!
7/7, the worse bomb attack in Great Britain where 52 people were killed is a prime example of what is going on in America today regarding miss-information.  It comes down to a lack of resources prevented security services from intercepting the 7 July London bombers, a key report stated.
Two of the four bombers were known to security officers but the threat they posed was not realized.
But it was "understandable" the pair had not been investigated more fully, the committee of MPs concluded.
Back then Home Secretary John Reid insisted there would be no public inquiry, as he gave the government's long-awaited account of the bombings to the Commons.
Remind you of what occurred in Boston?  Agencies holding on to the information and not sharing.  Just like a child gripping tightly of its teddy bear.
Let us stop for a moment and reflect, passion for the safety of others is in my blood, our organization has down to earth expertise on these matters and are communicators that not only get our point across verbally, we are a company of action.  

CommSmart Global Group is comprised of former Metropolitan Police officers, US Commanders Change Agents and all with analytic or computer backgrounds.  No, not nerds, common sense people who can assess the situation and highlight the actions required.
Resources have not been paired down for the local departments, they have been obliterated like the Amazon Rainforest.  So what do we do together, we come and listen to your street level problems as real people and then we discuss the actions required that we can implement together.  Working and communicating on one page, without fear of upsetting anyone.  There is no more time left to pussy foot around, people are killing people.
When it comes to crime fighting, there is not another quiver out there that can match the significance of the Circle of Fire with CommSmart Global Group 
*    Crime Statistics
*    Tracking Analysis
*    Point to Point Tracking
*    Calls for Service Data
*    Next Event Predictability
*    Social Media Monitoring/Real Time Tracking
*    Digital Street-Level Data Input in Real Time - Atmospherics
*    The Pied Piper Project – Rejuvenating Communities & Eradicating Crime
Gathering insightsCommSmart Global Group, is a digital input, anthropological fused, down to earth, street smart, analytic core based company.  It is obvious that we use analytical systems, workshops with our front line staff and customer-focused groups, ethnographic studies and in-depth interviews to garner our expertise. 
It is a daily routine for us to be researching in the specific field of Public Safety worldwide and is a qualitative research design aimed at exploring cultural phenomena, which we know is ongoing.  That is the core factor for all our successes.
We help you improve services, save money and resources.
Our approach to delivering the services you need is highly flexible. We can provide individual products, or we can take on the management and delivery of fully outsourced services. Having analysts on staff for you and guiding the initial day to day solutions.  Our breadth of experience means that we are in a position to recommend and introduce innovative ways of achieving your goals – offering the opportunity of making even more resourceful savings.
The pressure to deliver better for less is an ever-present challenge and it’s clear that this is not going to change. We can help you get the most out of your budget with an unbeatable combination of useable innovation, long-established sector experience, unrivaled skills, scale, flexibility, and resourcefulness.
We provide a comprehensive portfolio of crime fighting solutions and services to meet all your IT needs. At the heart of each are efficiency, security, and effectiveness.
We work right across both the private and public sectors and our proven track record delivers the IT that brings you the demanded results.
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (330) 366.6860
Copyright 2018

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