Tuesday, December 15, 2015

If The U.S. Military Is Not Ready for Cyber Warfare, What About You?

If The U.S. Military Is Not 
Ready for Cyber Warfare, 
What About You?
By Nick Ashton, www.redtagged.us

The Armies of Kings and Queens, all powerful, commanding and a privilege to join.  They are the power source for protection of our shores, family and the value of a nation.

Not anymore!

The weapons used included fist and feet, knives, guns, grenades, mines, bombs, missiles, satellites, sex, MRE’s and importantly military tacticians. The military keep their abilities close to their chest and you trust them implicitly. 

So what the H E 2 x Hockey Sticks happened?

Quote for the top military man:

The U.S. military is ill-prepared for waging cyber warfare and needs to bolster defenses against the growing threat of cyber-attacks against both military systems and private infrastructure, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command told Congress on Thursday.

“Those attacks are coming and I think those are near term and we’re not ready for them,” said Army Gen. Keith Alexander, head of Cyber Command and also outgoing director of the National Security Agency.

Alexander, in prepared testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, sounded the alarm on the need for better cyber-attack and defense capabilities. He said the command’s priorities include setting up a secure “defensible” telecommunications architecture, training cyber warfare personnel, increasing intelligence data on global cyber threats, and clarifying lines of authority for conducting cyber-attacks and defending government and private networks.”

Excuse me?  The attacks are not coming, they are here and getting worse, ignored, not reported immediately and swept under the carpet!  That is why I cannot understand why they call it Cyber Command, as they are not in command!

Trusted Remedy is more in command for “Shutting the Front Door” than the American Government.  Fact, not fiction…

The failure of cyber security is not knowing your password and importantly remembering it or where you wrote it down.  Passwords are not the answer as they are so easy to hack, after all, we humans take the easy way out, as we cannot remember birthdays, anniversary or the name of the guy behind the lunch counter you see every day.

So who is this RED TAGGED?  

A company, who, for the last twenty years has protected more computer data, both personal and corporate from the new cyber terrorists who steal the information directly from the files on your Desktop PC/Mac, Laptop, Tablet and Smart Mobile Phone.  They get so close you can smell their hardware.  They do not spill blood, they spill the inner most secrets of your life, both business and pleasure.  Some and most should never see the light of day.

RED TAGGED END2END ENCRYPTION (E3) Trusted Remedy was created because there was nothing out there in the computer security world that protected data, was easy to manage and worked!  Hence, the Secure Connection Solution for Data in Motion or In-Transit of today.  

Passwords are useless, so to speak, on an education campus they get passed around, households all use the same one and most are so easy and connected to birthdays, anniversaries or so ridiculous you forget them or keep them on a torn piece of paper in your clutch or wallet.

The human element lets us down every time and that is why we have created a hallway or corridor that is totally secure.  It not only Shuts the Front Door, It Shuts the Back Door Too!  It allows your device to speak!

It is all about connections, secure connections without a human element.  It is your device, Desktop PC/Mac, Laptop, Tablet and Smart Mobile Phone, they are your token, it negates the password, so to speak.

It is the ability to know that your Data in Motion is a mere blip in transference and all is transparent in it actions.  It is not some elongated action that takes forever or lives on the Internet way after you are gone. 

Trusted Remedy is short lived certificate solution based on your device’s DNA, sorry to be technical for the first time.

Trusted Remedy turns your device into a token with no need of a password if you like. Secondly, it is not the server side that causes the problem, but the Man in the Middle and Phishing attacks

Only with Trusted Remedy you can use 123456 as a password because without the device, even using the right log-in and password, the connection is blocked! 

Even in a consumer environment Trusted Remedy will secure your desktop PC/Mac, laptop, tablet, smart mobile phone to have fully secure transactions with your bank, your website, corporate data servers, secure your bank card transaction at Target, the gas pump or the local restaurant, even your Linked In page!

The Hacker, Phisher or Man in the Middle Brutal Attacker will do anything to steal your information and never even meet you.  Whilst you swipe your bankcard, they swipe/steal your inner most personal information.  You are violated in a way that is difficult to explain. 

When it happens to you, and it will, you will understand the turmoil they will put you through and will kick yourself that you did not take notice of what you can do to protect all your information, computer based devices, your business and importantly your clients/customers.

So what about you?  Ready to corporately and personally understand what has to happen to protect Data in Motion or In-Transit? 

Then we must talk. 

This is a commercial solution that will Shut Both the Front and Back Doors with a secure connection.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (614) 655.1247

Copyright 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Truth Does Not Take Sides...

The Truth Does Not Take Sides...
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

John Locke (1632–1704)  stated:

"Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper void of all characters, without any ideas; how comes it to be furnished? Whence comes it by that vast store, which the busy and boundless fancy of man has painted on it, with an almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of reason and knowledge? To this I answer, in one word, from experience: in that, all our knowledge is founded; and from that it ultimately derives itself."

We start with a blank page and delve into what we have been taught, learned and searched out for ourselves.  Only mindless people can be indoctrinated, shallow individuals without cause by someone else.  Their fluidity of reason and action is likened to that of a puppet, controlled by the Master Puppeteer.

Locke clearly believes that we are born with a variety of faculties that enable us to receive and process information (the senses, memory, our ability to use language, explored in some detail in his Book III of the Essay) and to manipulate it once we have it, but what we don’t have is innate knowledge or ideas. These have to be introduced to us and it is in the method of introduction that the issues of indoctrination fall.

But there is much more to it than that. Locke believed deeply in humanity. He was not a secular thinker, in fact he was a devout believer in God, but he thought that the God-given faculties we possess, especially the ability to reason, gave us a unique place in nature which we should take full advantage of. Locke was a political animal, intimately involved in the changes taking place in England at the time, and a great believer in individual freedom. His was a political project and his interest in the mind had a practical purpose behind it – he wanted to transform society and organise it in a rational way. His rejection of innate ideas was intimately linked to this project for it is all too easy to claim all sorts of principles as innate in order to maintain the status quo, meaning that people “might be more easily governed by, and made useful to some sort of men, who has the skill and office to principle and guide them. Nor is it a small power, it gives one man over another, to have the authority to be the dictator of principles, and teacher of unquestionable truths; and to make a man swallow that for an innate principle, which may serve his purpose, who teacheth them.”

You better understand this, as our forefathers based the whole Declaration Independence and the U.S. Constitution on John Locke's works and writings.

Truth, what is truth?  
  • Is it true that there are those that wish us all harm and want us out of the way? 
  • Is it true that there are individuals that want and will steal what is rightfully yours?
  • Is it true you believe that a government will solidly protect you from all of this?
  • Why is it you believe this?  Have you been hypnotized or indoctrination to believe and trust these statements?
But what is the truth in Locke's eyes?

Isn't the truth relative to each individual (this is a position called "epistemic relativism")? Don't I have my own truth which might be different from yours?
The short answer is, NO. Most people who propose Relativism of this type are simply confused about what the word 'truth' means. So, let's be clear about what the word means:

Definition: 'Truth' means, however the universe actually is.

Just because someone says it, it does not have to be true.

This is the case of Radicalized Religious Extremists who twist the words of Prophets for there own liking.  It is is not just Christians and Muslims that have used this through the ages.

Today the focus is on Radicalized Muslims who have a track record of killing in the most barbaric way and want we call a civilized world to support their actions. if we do not, they will kill us all.

Their actions are irrational and erratic in nature and use the Fear Factor to instill their sadistic message.

It is no good chopping the head off the snake, it must be exterminated entirely by a collective global force.

These radicals are not the only ones attacking us, a digital war which involves us all, every second of the day is being waged against us.  It is being disregarded by the corporate world and leaving us all in harm's way.

The Internet of Things as some are calling it, is actually an uncontrollable tragedy that will be responsible for the demise of people.  It does not have to be this way.

Hacking and controlling our utilities, power, gas, water, sewage and transportation are susceptible to being compromised and must be addressed now, not next week or next month, but NOW!

It is not just they have the ability to steal your financial and personal data, totally messing up your life.  It is the fact they want to do this and know that businesses are allowing it to happen!

Cyber failure is more costly that radical terrorists!

These are the facts, the truth...  YOU, not a government can only protect YOU!

The Truth Does Not Take Sides...

Email: truth@redtagged.us

North America: +1 (614) 655.1247
Europe:             + 31 6 11 30 3489

copyright 2015 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Nearly every major bank is using second-rate security to guard its website.

Nearly every major bank is using second-rate 
security to guard its website.

Capital One, JPMorgan Chase, Suntrust, Wells Fargo -- none of them use what's commonly referred to as the "best practice" in the industry when it comes to Web security.

The worst offenders are HSBC and TD Bank.

We can change that right now!  (Full Whitepaper is available with NDA/LOI)

Secure online access is a true reality 

Healthcare, Banking, Insurance,Big Box, Loyalty programs, SAS...
With Red Tagged (E3) easily managed digital certificate and device recognition solution.

Our solution is a (virtual) appliance based product which seamlessly fits into your existing network infrastructure. It automatically creates, distributes, and (de)installs, short-lived X.509 user certificates with corresponding cryptographic key-pairs, for the purpose of user & device credentialing and secure access control.

X.509 is the industry standard since the 1980’s and is supported by all major network components and enterprise application solutions, making it the perfect unified access control solution.

Thus far managing X.509 certificates has been one of the greatest cost factors in high secure environments, mainly caused by the required administration efforts.

By re-using your existing authentication environment, optionally leveraging it with our trusted corporate & Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) device recognition, reducing the lifecycle of the certificate, and ultimately automating the certificate requests, creation, distribution and (de)installation; certificate management has become easy as pie with our Trusted Device solution.

It not only secures the sending of user authentication credentials and enables encrypted access to the network to the highest level to protect against harsh attack vectors such as Man-in-the-Middle and brute force, but it also helps to significantly reduce cost.

Administrators have less work in configuring networks for different kinds of authentication, but end-users can also become more productive thanks to Single Sign-On to applications and network environments.


Identifying your trusted employee and partner devices to conveniently yet securely access your corporate applications is the most common use. Frequently in combination with existing HP, Palo Alto, Cisco, F5, CheckPoint, Juniper, and/ or a range of Open products.

Smartphone app builders commonly face their app data-stream and app-server getting hacked. Our API can be your security module in your app.

Secure app and machine-to-machine communication is a necessity nowadays as well: vending-machines communicating their daily sales, ATM’s communicating wirelessly with the bank, IP-camera’s securely sending their video feeds, medical devices sending privacy sensitive patient data to online patient dossiers, and much more. End2End Encryption is right.

We handle it all, for dozens up to hundreds of millions of users and devices.

Passwords are the cause of the majority of the cyber-attack issues and we still use them!

Red Tagged (E3) End2End Encryption uses a Device DNA which each device or machine has. It is the device that is authenticated and not reliant on a user password that can be taken to another device and used as the log-in.

Yes, we can still have a password, but that is not the key to entering the system. Many safeguards can be in place also, from GPS location, Geo-Fencing and many others, the key is the Device DNA which is created at the authorization stage and is extracted from the device in many ways and elements.

Desktop, laptop, tablet, Smartphone it does not matter, the days of concern for BYOD are gone! You just setup internally a SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for usage to the corporate servers.

The connection is universal, meaning even in Wi-Fi Hotspots conferences or hotels the solution protects and serves the security factors on both sides.

Firewall & VPN Integration 

For effective enterprise perimeter, internal, and Web security, integration with existing Firewalls is a must-have. All known enterprise firewall and VPN solution providers support the X.509 standard

Secure Application Access 
Secure access to online applications is generally made possible through the use of HTTPS.

By simply enforcing the requirement of client side digital certificates on the target server or firewall or VPN, you effectively create a highly secure 2-way SSL authenticated encrypted tunnel over TLS.

This feature is by default supported by all major server side Operating Systems, and all major enterprise application solution suppliers. Such as: Microsoft, Cisco, Juniper, CheckPoint, Palo Alto, HP, IBM, SAP, Oracle, “open” solutions, and many others.

High Availability 

Built-in high availability feature, allowing for each instance to be aware of the health status of all other End2End Encryption (E3) instances. As a result, should an appliance ever become unavailable, automatically another can take over, without you having to rely on 3rd party high availability solutions.

(E3) delivers a unified architecture for perimeter, internal and web based access control, based on the industry standard X.509 digital certificates.

Product description
End2End Encryption (E3) issues short lived certificates and has an automated registration authority module, providing comprehensive easy to use and administer secure access to your existing network and cloud infrastructure.

Product Key Features

• IPv4 and IPv6 supported

• On-board high availability support

• RFC compliant standard X.509

• Short life validity for certificates

• New unique encryption keys with each issued certificate

• 1024 - 4096 bit RSA encryption keys

• Automated certificate processing

• Use existing authentication methods

• Optional trusted hardware recognition and management

• Runs also under your existing CA

Product Benefits

• Provides advanced application and network protection for changing threats including Phishing, Man-in-the-Middle and anonymous Brute Force attacks

• Enables a wide range of secure branch and remote-access options

• Streamlines security administration and lowers management cost

• Makes federated identity a reality

• Corporate laptop & smartphone usage

• Machine to machine usage

• Internet of Things supported

North America: +1 (614) 655.1247
Europe: +31 6 11 30 3489

copyright 2015

Radical Islamic Terrorists, Hackers, Phishers and Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers

Radical Islamic Terrorists, Hackers, Phishers and Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

Terrorist Are Attacking & Killing, Instilling Fear Worldwide. Cyber Criminals/Terrorists Are Stealing Digital Information & Using What is Rightfully Yours.  Ruining Your Life and Instilling Fear Of A Normal Life.

Having been involved in physical and cyber terrorism since the 1970's, the statement by the American president to the nation, is more than concerning.

It has taken him seven years to admit that there are terrorist who are using Islam to terrorizing the world?  Religion has been used in a radical form since they were introduced, as a controlling community tool.  Organized religion has been with us since the concerns of the Emperors of Rome and the emergence of Christ.  Mohammed came 600 years later.

The world's oldest religion still being practiced today is Hinduism (known to adherents as 'Sanatan Dharma', Eternal Order) but, in what is considered 'the west', the first records of religious practice come from Egypt around 4000 BCE. 

Organized religion encompasses them all, Catholic, Baptist, Church of England, Methodists, Presbyterian, Muslim, Judaism, Assembly of God  and any other denomination that is out there practicing their organized beliefs.

Hackers, Phishers and Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers are also organized and use the Dark Web to practice their digital terror and thievery.  In fact these miscreants do more damage that all of radical terrorism put together.  No, they are not using the bomb or bullet, they are using the fact that our digital cyber world is unprotected.  

Cyber security is the responsibility of us all!

Corporate cyber security is a Duty of Care and a Corporate Governance.  Failure at this level is shameful and makes the BRAND, shareholders and more importantly, the customers and clients extremely vulnerable.

Stop the procrastination on what to do, just take action to have the finest protection and solutions.

Logical proactive solutions are here with Red Tagged and our worldwide team can assist those that wish to do the right thing.


Email: redtagged@redtagged.us

North America: + 1 (614) 655.1247
Europe:             + 31

copyright 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

Come On, It Is A Humping Duck!

Come On, It Is A Humping Duck!
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies


SoCal jihadist wife reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIS before massacre

San Bernardino shooting: Policeman speaks of carnage at scene - BBC

Investigators probe whether wife radicalized husband before San Bernardino massacre

Having law enforcement doing the background on this heinous crime, it is evident it was terror related.  For Goodness sake Mr. President, it walks and talks like a DUCK!  Radicals are among us and you seem to have a different agenda, WHY?

It is no good telling Pork Pies (lies) regarding this major concern for us all.  It is no good cutting off the head of the snake, we must annihilate this deadly group worldwide.    

It is a Humping Duck!

Corporately and individually you must be aware of those of around you! 

See Something, say Something...

Having been involved in counterterrorism since 1976, especially with terroristic groups worldwide. United Kingdom, Liberia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Iraq and Afghanistan are all physical locations I have worked and been involved first hand.  Which has allowed us to have a street level understanding of the progression of terrorism, both physical and cyber.

Our team is worldwide, in all interconnected fields of both physical and cyber counterterrorism.

There is never the possibility of 100% security.  When a government states "there are no credible threats that they know of", is correct.  It is impossible to know everything, no matter how sophisticated the technology is, that they are using.

I can state we have gone beyond the norm of protection and have the ability to have real time knowledge, which is available and capable to enhance the developing situations we are facing daily.

Today, it is a combination of older solid techniques, mixed with newer and cutting edge proven solutions.  It really comes down to Atmosphericschatter on the street, in the social media world and telephonic and data communications.  

There are not enough people in the world to track known or suspected physical and cyber terrorists.  The U.K. have 1,500 possible terrorist under their watchful eye, the U.S.A, only 48.

Listening, watching and getting into the heads of these people is not like you see in the movies.  The legwork is much deeper and takes much longer and law enforcement cannot work alone.  They need the public's assistance, hence "See Something, Say Something" program.

We are connected with law enforcement and have excellent dialogue with full logical understanding of the daily issues being faced.  

Our Fusion Center based in Europe is a 24/7 operation with the greatest minds and a work ethic, second to none.  We have a presence in the Midwest of America and have boots on the ground with effective communications.

Our expertise in cyber and physical terrorism, viewed from today's perspective, only works when you have a complete understanding of the transformation of communications and information dissemination which continues to revolve. 

The mindset of both forms of terrorism change daily as we live and breath.  The incident in San Bernardino of December 2nd, 2015 is a prime example of events that have, can and will unfold again and again.  America is the center of violent workplace attacks over one per day nationwide.  Is it that the public is blind to the issues and want to keep themselves to themselves?  The NIMBY effect which is so deadly and must change!

It does not matter if it was a domestic or international terrorism act, it happened and people died.  If proven it was a Daesh connected act as a Lone Wolf operation, then we can and will address in the strongest and direct terms.

The Internet has made a radical change to life in more ways than one. Connected is an understatement!  There are no degrees of separation whatsoever and whilst it is allowing for terrorist groups to roam the world, out of control, it will continue, escalate and whilst unchecked and change our lives once more, forever more.

CommSmart Global Group of Companies, which includes Red Tagged, the leading team of understanding and implementing security methods, both physical and cyber is making it known that they collectively are available for consultation with full solutions on all levels of communications and information protection.

Governments must allow private enterprise to work hand in hand with them. Corporations, who are the lifeblood of employment must also protect the third party data they have been entrusted with.  

Cyber crime/terrorism is more devastating globally than the bomb or the bullet.  
Nothing must stand in the way of securing us all.  Do not just be informed

www.redtagged.us                 www.commsmart-global.com


copyright 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

San Bernardino Deadly Attack Sadly is a Training Video for Both Terrorists & Law Enforcement

San Bernardino Deadly Attack Sadly is a 
Training Video for Both Terrorists & Law Enforcement
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

Having been involved in counterterrorism since 1976, especially with terroristic groups worldwide. United Kingdom, Liberia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Iraq and Afghanistan are all physical locations I have worked and been involved first hand.  Which has allowed us to have a street level understanding of the progression of terrorism, both physical and cyber.

Our team is worldwide, in all interconnected fields of both physical and cyber counterterrorism.

There is never the possibility of 100% security.  When a government states "there are no credible threats that they know of", is correct.  It is impossible to know everything, no matter how sophisticated the technology is, that they are using.

I can state we have gone beyond the norm of protection and have the ability to have real time knowledge, which is available and capable to enhance the developing situations we are facing daily.

Today, it is a combination of older solid techniques, mixed with newer and cutting edge proven solutions.  It really comes down to Atmospherics, chatter on the street, in the social media world and telephonic and data communications.  

There are not enough people in the world to track known or suspected physical and cyber terrorists.  The U.K. have 1,500 possible terrorist under their watchful eye, the U.S.A, only 48.

Listening, watching and getting into the heads of these people is not like you see in the movies.  The legwork is much deeper and takes much longer and law enforcement cannot work alone.  They need the public's assistance, hence "See Something, Say Something" program.

We are connected with law enforcement and have excellent dialogue with full logical understanding of the daily issues being faced.  

Our Fusion Center based in Europe is a 24/7 operation with the greatest minds and a work ethic, second to none.  We have a presence in the Midwest of America and have boots on the ground with effective communications.

Our expertise in cyber and physical terrorism, viewed from today's perspective, only works when you have a complete understanding of the transformation of communications and information dissemination which continues to revolve. 

The mindset of both forms of terrorism change daily as we live and breath.  The incident in San Bernardino of December 2nd, 2015 is a prime example of events that have, can and will unfold again and again.  America is the center of violent workplace attacks over one per day nationwide.  Is it that the public is blind to the issues and want to keep themselves to themselves?  The NIMBY effect which is so deadly and must change!

It does not matter if it was a domestic or international terrorism act, it happened and people died.  If proven it was a Daesh connected act as a Lone Wolf operation, then we can and will address in the strongest and direct terms.

The Internet has made a radical change to life in more ways than one. Connected is an understatement!  There are no degrees of separation whatsoever and whilst it is allowing for terrorist groups to roam the world, out of control, it will continue, escalate and whilst unchecked and change our lives once more, forever more.

CommSmart Global Group of Companies, which includes Red Tagged, the leading team of understanding and implementing security methods, both physical and cyber is making it known that they collectively are available for consultation with full solutions on all levels of communications and information protection.

Governments must allow private enterprise to work hand in hand with them. Corporations, who are the lifeblood of employment must also protect the third party data they have been entrusted with.  

Cyber crime/terrorism is more devastating globally than the bomb or the bullet.  
Nothing must stand in the way of securing us all.  Do not just be informed

www.redtagged.us                 www.commsmart-global.com

copyright 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Once More Unto the Cyber Breach Dear Friends, Once More...

Once More Unto the Cyber Breach Dear Friends, Once More...

By Nick Ashton and Will S., RedTagged.us

Once more unto the Cyber Breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the firewall up with our Hacked & Phished dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness, humility
of personal information when safe and private:
But when the blast of Cyber war blows in our ears, eyes and wallets,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect of Financial and Brand ruination;
Let pry through the portage of the Hacker’s head
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled rock
O'erhang and jutty his confounded Cyber stolen base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful actions of his mind and fingers.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
Hold hard the breath and bend up every true trusted Cyber spirit
To its full height. On, on, you noblest Internet People.
Whose blood is fet from fathers of Cyber war-proof!
Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,
Have in these parts from morn till even fought
And sheathed their swords for lack of argument:
Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
That those whom you call'd fathers (corporations) did beget you.
Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
And teach them how to war. Proactive Cyber Security is for now
And you, good yeoman,
Whose limbs were made by those you trusted and respected, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear, WTF…
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble security lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this Cyber security charge
Cry 'God for Sanity, Worldwide Web, and Information Security!'

Let your keyboards roar take charge of your Privacy…

Monday, November 16, 2015

Proactivity Is The Demanded Requirement

Proactivity Is The Demanded Requirement
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies

Having a foot in both camps of both physical counter and cyber terrorism for thirty-nine (39) years, means I seen and been involved in the worst situations this world has seen.

The French attack was not unexpected and all of us in this profession knew one day it would happen.  Where or when could never have been predicted.  

Yes, information gathering in this digital age is seen by most as the ultimate defence.  It is not!

There are not enough intelligence eyes, ears and algorithms to be on top of the morons of terror.  For both physical and cyber terror it has to be a mixture of human and digital searching.  

Atmospherics, the collection of street chatter is just as important.  

Most will have never heard of Atmospherics, it has saved our rear ends in war against the Irish Republican Army, the Red Brigade (Baader Meinhof), Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of the world's terror spots. 

It is all about chatter, humans cannot keep their mouths shut and discuss their plans and successes in great detail.  Just like the local burglar, he would spend his ill-gotten gains at the local pub and we all know that with a few beers, the mouth runs and information flows.  That is where used Atmospherics in the old days.

It is the same for cyber hackers, they want recognition for their success and discuss on social media and in Internet cafes.  Things have not really changed in how we must gather information.

Knowing both sides of these actions, you understand that the terrorist wants to instill FEAR in all, whether physical attacks or cyber, it is all about FEAR!

It is returning to the COMFORT ZONE that is all important...

Let us take this short journey together...

copyright 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Talking Is Over!

Talking Is Over!
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO CommSmart Global

Terrorist murders in the name of Islam will not be stopped by conventional means.
Globally we must annihilate the monsters on their own doorsteps, which even means in each country.  The Lone Wolf Cells are everywhere and waiting to strike.

When it was stated last night by the U.S. Homeland Security that "there was no credible information of an attack on American soil", it is because they do not know.  It is impossible to know all the chatter or atmospherics in "real time". 

France had no idea that this was going to happen!

Physical terror attacks will happen again and again, until you tear down and kill the terrorists globally.

Understanding terrorism is the first step, but not the terrorism of old, it has changed from the days of the Irish Republican Amy, the Red Brigade and all other factions.  These morons of today know no fear and use the most disgusting means to kill and expand their message of fear...

Time for global action, not words...

copyright 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015



by Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO, Red Tagged

a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way.

"his plans turned into a fiasco"

synonyms: failure, disaster, catastrophe, debacle, shambles, farce, mess, wreck; informal flop, washout, snafu

It certainly describes the daily, if not hourly admission of C-Level Executives and their Boards of the Hacks of Digital Information.  By not informing your clients/customers of the invidious position you have placed them in, is criminal! 

Delaying the admission leaves every single other enterprise and government agency in a dire situation.  This information must be shared so all can be prepared.

It is Fess Up Time!

RED TAGGED is not here to be your friend, we are purely a business that will protect your BRAND, Shareholders and more importantly, your clients/customers!

There is very little that is not digital in nature, the Internet of Things (IoT) is going from the sublime to the ridiculous on what is being fitted with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities and connected to the Internet Sewer without any cyber security whatsoever.

Each new Internet gadget is a "door of hacker opportunity" and most Information Technology Departments do not have the budget allocation or the wear-with-all to protect the data that has been entrusted to them.

Government agencies, any Loyalty Card, Company, Hospitals, Healthcare, Doctors, Hotels, Conference Centers, Sports Arenas, Public Transportation... 

Let us stop there and include us all and everywhere there is method of connecting to the Internet.

The Internet and those darn Apps you keep loading on your Smartphones are killing your security factor!

That is why RED TAGGED has taken the Cyber Security Stewardship by the horns and concentrated on the security of all.

Corporate or government agency communications have more leaks than kitchen or garden sieve, yet you still use unencrypted or low level encryption means of communications!


Scoff if your wish, but facts are facts, RED TAGGED has the ability to encrypt all communications, voice and the written word and so can you.

Installation in a timely fashion is available on all your desktops, laptops, tablets, Smartphones and yes, even a Smartphone that has full Military Encryption 4096-bit RSA and useable worldwide, even in Wi-Fi hotspot.  

Tell that to a Secretary of State!

It starts with the analyze of your full data servers and software, evaluating who and what is gaining unauthorized entry or attempting to pry open the data doors.  That is where we start... and digitally watch in real time.

RED TAGGED are Forensic Archaeologist, looking at each layer of your digital past, brushing away the decaying software programs and data banks that have been forgotten or installed by prior IT heads or discarded when the company sold and are still storing information.

Making sense?

Your Call...


North America: +1 (614) 655.1247

Europe:             +31 611303489

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