What Happened to Trust and Respect?
This is Not Your Mother's or Father's Generation!
by Nick Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group of Companies
Everyone is telling us we must control business and social situations more effectively. They are correct in one respect and then, totally wrong in another. This the typical knee-jerk reaction when everything is not going according to plans and desires at work, then the management adds and enacts more rules and controls.
Change means rules are put in place as an effort to pressure people to do what they are supposed to be doing in the first place, so that the performance and abilities of the company and individuals will improve. One major problem: most of the time greater control translates into lower performance or anti-social activity, as it seems to have today, no one likes to be told what to do and how to do it.
It is when Respect and Trust in coworkers, social partners and family is at its lowest and there is the issue. Today there is literally none!
The main reason why more control is usually the worst course of action has to do with motivation. Change and new rules to today's society is demotivating and puts the breaks on people thinking for themselves and stymies innovation amongst all. In most organizations, there is already too much control over what people do in their minds. Policy manuals and specific rules for how we do things and reach the corporate goals, they are installed for a reason, do not be the person to breaks the rules. We have moved in some respect from a herd mentality to supposed individuality, which in many cases is used against society.
The mass murders where guns are concerned, of course is a social issue. First political reaction is to ban all guns or least control the sales and types available. Not the issue, any criminal or disturbed individual will obtain whatever they want, when they want it.
Do we ban lakes or fill-in water holes when a drowning occurs? No!
Do we ban the car because of road accidents and deaths? No!
Do we stop people getting married because the divorce rate is now above 50%?

It is when Respect and Trust in coworkers, social partners and family is at its lowest and there is the issue. Today there is literally none!
The main reason why more control is usually the worst course of action has to do with motivation. Change and new rules to today's society is demotivating and puts the breaks on people thinking for themselves and stymies innovation amongst all. In most organizations, there is already too much control over what people do in their minds. Policy manuals and specific rules for how we do things and reach the corporate goals, they are installed for a reason, do not be the person to breaks the rules. We have moved in some respect from a herd mentality to supposed individuality, which in many cases is used against society.
The computer hacker is the perfect example, if they would only put their special skills to a positive use. It is about a different approach and fighting against the system that is more prevalent today, than ever before.
Placing RESPECT and TRUST back into the neighborhoods, community and commerce makes the difference. It is the cohesive aptitude of all, community police, neighborhood leaders, housing/code enforcement, animal control and importantly, the citizens and residents.
Over a matter of months we can make that difference, build Trust and increase the Respect of all.
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW...
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW...
For More Information:
Email: change@commsmart-global.com
copyright 2016
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