Thursday, January 24, 2013

Judges are Failing Citizens and Business Owners!

Why Ever Pay a Fine?
by Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry

Justice courts and their judges are causing massive failure in financial collections and it is cost you, the tax payer, citizen and business owner.

Unelected judges in Municipal and City justice courts are failing in upholding the law and costing the citizens/businesses millions of lost and uncollected dollars.  They are salaried employees and it is their job to uphold the laws of the municipalities and cities.  

They are not!

What is the point of a police or parking officer ever writing an infraction on a moving violation, parking infraction or booting situation, when a judge summarily either reduces it, places an amnesty ever six months or just lets the culprit off as they think it will never be collected?

Municipal fines and levies is as high as casino profits, it is second in value to rolling the dice, playing cards or spinning the wheel and only 4% nationally are ever collected!  If these judges are lawyers and have a law license, they should be disbarred and removed from the payroll of the city or municipality.

When there is a shortfall of finances within a city or municipality, council members, commissioners, city managers and Mayors turn to increasing taxes on the property owners and citizens. 

Why, when there are uncollected millions just waiting to be collected?

It is as simple as they have failed to collect the monies in the hallways and laying on the streets or your city!  They have failed criminally in the blatant failure of following through with the law and expect you, the citizen or business owner to go to the financial well once again and pay the difference.

If you have committed 100% of the infraction, you pay 100% of the fine or levied fee, no ifs or buts!

Houston Texas is a perfect example of failure by the presiding judge:

Houston Municipal Courts are offering a 2013 Amnesty Program through Feb. 9 that allow some delinquent court cases to be resolved at a discounted rate.

“Now is the time for anyone with a delinquent case to come forward and resolve your court matters, because you have the opportunity to save a lot of money, hundreds of dollars in some cases,” says Director and Presiding Judge Barbara E. Hartle. “We are available for anyone who has questions; just call us at 3-1-1 if we can be of assistance. There is also information regarding our programs on our website.”  see Barbara E. Hartle bio

Most traffic and non-traffic citations that were delinquent on or before Oct. 21, 2012 will be eligible for amnesty discounts. Previously adjudicated cases, capias pro fine cases, parking and Red Light Camera citations are not eligible for amnesty.

So are we saying, "don't pay the fine, wait, and it will get reduced and then pay it?" Why on God's green earth would you ever pay a ticket which is owed and demand, with this sort of ridiculous proposal going on?

As an police,parking or code enforcement officer why would you bother to ever write a ticket if some judge is going to dismiss, reduce and allow the infractor to never pay?

You, as a citizen or business owner are being ripped illegally!  It seems the councils and commissions think you have an endless pot of gold for them to keep tapping you for.

It is about upholding the laws on the books and professional collections.

There is no more to discuss, actions are required by citizens and business owners.

Court Adjourned Or Is It?

copyright 2013

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