How Secure is The Door?
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.
why would we be interested in your door security issues?
The door is
the entrance to your whole world, no matter how sane or insane it is. Some time ago, a client in the world of apartments asked us to look at their facilities, it was a concern about their doors that made us come up with this solution.
The office
or apartment doors are a major concern, they are not secure at all. The door is being held shut by a deadbolt key
system in most cases and it is only one half
inch of wood that is real holding the door closed in a wooden frame. One good kick and the door is open. A jimmy if used, seconds and they are
Tracometry Group of Companies has strategic partners in all areas
and even a Master Carpenter at hand. I mean 50 years of experience, when wood
was wood! We have the answer that will
secure all resident doors from being entered by kicking or using a jimmy. Developed for use in stopping home invasion
this exclusive product, which we use, is a proactive solution and will give peace of mind to you the owners and
residents alike, which you both deserve.
I have attached a video of a
demonstration how easy it is to kick in a door and then of our device that will
prevent this from happening for you. (
So behind
closed doors you might be sitting and thinking that you are safe and you are not! Just thought we would pass this along…
For more details please contact us.
It is the
simple ideas that make this world a better place for us all.

At our core
is street level information
gathering, our analytics is then fed this information and crime statistics are
generated in real time, this enable us to have the finest Next Event
Predictability capabilities. Yes,
predicting events, including bank robberies and I.E.D. placement by terrorist
in Afghanistan for the DoD. It sounds far-fetched or something out of the
movies, it is not, we are firmly on terra firma.
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Call: +1 (317) 426.0110
Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions
- Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis,
Calls for Service Data, Point to Point
Tracking, Next Event Predictability,
Sniffers – Canine Explosive, Drug, Fruit and Medical
Detection Solutions
Recoupeit – Reuniting Revenues, Increasing
the Bottom Line.
The Pied Piper Project - Intelligent Social Survival
Proactive Palaestra – Preventing In-Custody Death
Tracometry Leadership & Communications
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