Shall We Peel Back The Managerial Façade?
Your Board, Shareholders & Clients/Customers Deserve Better…
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, CommSmart US
Being at the top use to be looked at by some that you made it to an Easier Street through professionalism and hard work and could delegate the daily workload to your heart’s content. Gone thank goodness!

Sure, you can have heads of departments, VP’s of this and that, having them reporting to you, those are the highs and lows of the success within of the company.
Sorry, it might be working for you, that is pulling the wool over the eyes of
those that you think are below you, but really, you are moving in the direction to being out of a job, when the board sees the failure in your real connection to the daily goings on.
It has been said, they are constantly on guard, searching for hidden motives and "antagonistic to them" undermining their authority in meetings.
Paranoid personalities find fundamental connections everywhere; nothing for them is accidental or coincidental. They think that others are taking special notice of them and derive confirmation for their fears from quite inoffensive behavior and irrelevant events.
That is the landscape at the so-called top of business today. These are the reasons they are out of touch and we have the serious corporate issues of today. This is not the same as in your Father’s day!
- They are touchy to critique and may take offense where none is intended.
- They appear emotionless and, in fact, often avoid becoming friendly with others.
- They seldom show sensitivity and may avoid closeness; often they seem tense and abrupt.
- They pride themselves on their level-headedness and impartiality when in reality there is none.
- They seldom come forward to seek help from underlings. They often make decisions for subordinates without actually consulting them.
- They build fortress like communications via their phones, emails and real connections.
- Their Gate Keepers stop anyone from contacting, which reduces outside communications whatsoever. You get statements like, “the CEO does not take cold calls”. Is that the script on the screen? Is it like a telephone marketing caller reading the pre-written answers and having no inner understanding of the real world.
This includes of course, cyber infiltration by hackers, phishers and man in the middle brutal attacks. A frontline attack on our whole commercial trust that is required to do business with the public is being eroded because simple steps are not being taken.
Having your finger on the button and showing the daily interest in the issues of the day is important and not old school, it is common sense!
Delegation is over used and the “them and us” attitude is going to kill the dream of the founders, investors and the clientele.

Internally you will not cope. Fact, not fiction. Today all IT is reactive, which means you are behind all the time and never catch up. You must be Proactive which means someone knows more than you do totally and has a worldwide picture, has solutions and is proven.
You must allow this outsourcing of requirements as you do not have the resources at your fingertips.
Everybody understands bad publicity can kill your business, never the less no one seems to be worried about the avalanche of cyber-attacks.
If you think I or my company’s message is not interesting enough, think again.
If you think it is not your responsibility but your customers’, think again.
You are responsible for the overall physical and digital security of your company and private, personal information, not your IT Department!
It is Your Duty of Care!
It is not if you will be compromised
by a hacker, it is when!
by a hacker, it is when!
You, your clients and customers bear the brunt of these issues when information regarding them, is stolen, sold and used. The cost and damage is enormous as Target, a US retailer, has found out on the dramatic drop in profits of 46% in the 4th quarter 2013 because one vendor lost his log-in credentials. One mistake by one person caused this gigantic drop in profit.
It is time to look at all this differently!
ü Fact: “digital access credentials are more vulnerable than physical”;
ü Fact: “Physical access is one on one compared to one on many when digital”;
ü Fact: “long lived access credentials have a higher risk than short lived credentials”.
KeyTalk uses the best of both worlds; we combine physical with digital access credentials using short lived access keys!
What does this mean for you and your organization?
Any user that needs to have access to your enterprise data will be granted the right to access based on the recognition of the device the user is using. This can be a Desktop PC/Mac, Laptop, Tablet, Smart Mobile Phone, etc.
At the IT Department registration completion, KeyTalk takes a DNA fingerprint of the user’s device and comprises of a combination of minimum 12 hardware components. Each time the users will access your enterprise data, KeyTalk will send a new timely key to give the user access.
With this key, KeyTalk sets up a one on one bomb proof connection between the device and server, protecting the transaction from cyber criminals.
With KeyTalk you irrefutably know who had access and when, to your enterprise data in case of data issues.
When a device gets stolen the “new” owner can’t use the device to get access to your enterprise data because the timely key has already been used.
In simple terms security of information is of the utmost importance, whether you realize it or not. This includes corporate and our own personal data, which includes day-to-day information which is transmitted from various locations via the Internet regarding you and your company.
It is said that information on each and every one of us and our businesses is stored in 1,700 locations at any one time. That is a lot of opportunities for others to search, seize, use illegally and sell. Oh yes, there is extreme value in the sphere of information.

Protection of your data in motion is of paramount importance.
KEYTALK has built, proven with our clients and successfully secured data transference for over twenty years. Through KEYTALK’s patented, proprietary solutions we transport all the data in a bomb-proof tube that connects end to end or machine to machine, unbreachable, impenetrable and delivers it all securely in a blip.
It means you can use KEYTALK from any device, as it is your device that is your verification. Not a password which is a human element, your device is an accepted method because of its approved DNA. It is a short lived certificate that is only in operation for the duration of the transaction. Unlike other methods of certification that left out there for years for the hackers and phishers to find, break and gain access to your corporate and private world.
Thought process is complicating the issue. Think of how many mistakes us humans make on a daily basis. Too many, right? Let us remove the biggest risk in Data in Motion, relying on a password. Passwords are like a glass window, they can be broken and then entry is gained and information is stolen!
Change your locks before it is too late!
The Key to Your Corporate Protection is KEYTALK
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Worldwide Call: +1 (330) 366.6860
Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key Talking… KEYTALK!
Copyright 2017
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