You Lock Your Doors, Keeping Your Keys Safe,
What Has Happened Regarding Your Digital Information?
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

seems to understand that using your log-in human credentials, like username and
password, those two factors and or bio-metric authentication, you are the total
opposite of secure! Your data,
transactions and or your Identity is at major risk to be stolen by hackers,
phishers and man in the middle brutal attackers.
KeyTalk, fully understands that by using
your log-in credentials they should prove who you are, but this is no
guarantee. Phishers and hackers are challenging us to share these credentials,
harassing us with fake emails, telephone marketing calls and other clever
idea’s to get your very personal log-in details. Once collecting these details cyber-criminals will use and sell them and make your life extremely miserable.
KeyTalk recognized this dangerous
vulnerability and developed a bullet resistant solution which is proprietary
software and patented globally.

KeyTalk takes security to a whole different
sphere and out of those human hands into the workings of our Desktop
PC/Mac’s, Laptops, Tablets and Smart Mobile Phones. KeyTalk
takes a combination of your devices components as they then become a unique
DNA to identify the device first, before being authenticated and
gaining access to your data, transactions and or enterprise.
With the
device recognized, the bullet resistant connection is built
between client and server. It is likened to a secure tube, which is
solid and impenetrable. Only after the
connection is verified, than the transaction will occur.
connection is built for a predefined period of time, seconds to hours, the
Encrypted Keys for this transaction are totaled deleted afterwards. For any
separate access a new dedicated and new encrypted key will be made available
automatically. This way, the encrypted keys are not existing anymore and
therefore not available for others with wrong defined criminal intentions.

Using KeyTalk,
your own device (BYOD) can be connected to the enterprise relatively easily and
simply by installing KeyTalk as a single sign-on secure connection, using KeyTalk’s
patented temporary automatically distributed access encrypted keys.
No more
human usernames and passwords on their own, they can still be used but have no
bearing on the ability to connect. Your
users do not have to be informed of any change and continue in safety to use
your now solidly secure data in motion system.
Talking, Key Talking… KeyTalk!
The KEYTALK Video Overview
WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Worldwide Call: +1 (317)
Key Talk –
Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking Key
Talking… KEYTALK!
Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London & North Wales, U.K., Netherlands, Lithuania, K.L. Malaysia
Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex
CM18 7jF
Copyright 2014
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