We Appreciate The Audience, It Is Time To Get Off Of The Sidelines
And Participate In The So Called Game Of Life
By Nick Ashton, CEO/CTO,
CommSmart Global Group of Companies.
The view
from the stands might be excellent but the game on the field of life is going
to hell in a hang basket!

As we stand,
this is not the life we expected, dreamed of or can accept, unless you have no
real feelings whatsoever.
Towns and
cities are falling apart, not just physically.
Our communities are nothing more than dens of iniquities and law
enforcement is fighting a losing battle in the social, drug, gang and murder
It seems
that all of our communication skills have stopped and our internal
understandings of living a sociable, acceptable, life style have changed
dramatically. It has become a society of
waiting for others to take the lead and if someone does, it is frowned upon, as
we want to know their underlying motive.

lessons and adapting is a normal part of life.
The day of handouts, entitlements and others filling in for your inadequacies
is over. Our work and social ethics are going to change and it starts with YOU.
The basics
of life are RULES, rules that are acceptable and not a “them
or us” situation.
It comes
down to politics and how those that wished to be voted into office, promised
the streets will be paved with gold.
This is not the era of Mayor Dick Whittington and this is not London!
Yes, once
voted in, they passed laws, services and unthoughtful solutions, which, when,
the grant money runs out, the services stopped.
President Bill Clinton’s more
police on the streets is a prime example. Once the grant money was gone
after two years, cities and counties did not have the budget to continue and
the public wondered why things changed.
People have
a high expectation when they are promised and do not understand standard
business practices and still believe in the unlimited
money tree.
money tree.
We have to
become better and more efficient communicators and that is the crux of the
That is our
mantra and why we have isolated the issues and resolved this with usable,
affordable technology. The issues are as
simple as security of communications on all levels. Everything we do today is under attack.
We thought
the computer would bring a sustained method of far better communications, it
has, but with major concerns from others wanting to know what we know and steal
our trusted information.
The Hackers,
Phishers, Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers are ever present. They want what you have worked hard for and
even your bank account is not safe.
Business proprietary information is at more risk than ever. So is there a means to improve this?
Security of
data connection, especially corporate, with end to end, data in motion the most
vulnerable and we have solved this and WE have!
are old hat, as it can be anyone typing in your log-in password. The system does not know that it is you. Even a supposed secure token method is not
secure, as it might not be in your hands.
The Human Element is the issue, so we use Device DNA, using a selection of hardware components to identify you as trusted and authorized.
The Human Element is the issue, so we use Device DNA, using a selection of hardware components to identify you as trusted and authorized.

Remember that
dream of a paperless society, it is really here! Documents can now easily be filled in,
transmitted securely and in a timely and expected fashion.
Then, speed
of getting from A to B is vital, that is why all of what we talk about is
connectivity and that is now available for all Public Safety, Emergency Management,
Enforcement Agents/Process Servers and those vital corporate needs.
It is the security of all we do that is more important than ever.
All with Encryption of RSA 4096 Bit!
Under WWW.REDTAGGED.US, the answers and real time
solutions are here.
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…
Worldwide Call: +1 (614)
Copyright 2015
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