Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Insanity of Court Communications

Insanity of Court Communications
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

We live and breath on communications and even die with their failure.

The following is a brief overview of failed communications of August 23rd, 2016.

This has been sent to all parties and publicly on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Tuscarawas County Court & Sheriff's System Fails... Filing of Court Documents is Not Timely and Results in a Wrongful Arrest and Incarceration. 
Case Heard by Magistrate Karen Zajkowski
Case of yesterday August 23, 2016, heard by Magistrate Karen Zajkowski
Pam Engle
Protective order removed by Magistrate Karen Zajkowski .
Pam Engle was arrested at midnight for violation of the removed protective order after a phone call by Rex Brown to Sheriff's office.
On his word, which was a lie, they arrested Pam Engle as there is no record of the removal of the protective order within the court system. She sits in jail as we post this.
They do not have access to current paperwork, so they have to go on what is currently filed. (Failure of access to current daily filed cases is a major concern.)
Friends of Pam Engle stated to law enforcement that they were there and were informed by Patrick Williams, her attorney, that the protective order was removed by Magistrate Karen Zajkowski .
Engle went to her house today and was confronted by Brown, hours later, in a well-intoxicated state Brown called the Sheriff's dept. and reported that Engle had broken the protective order, which you removed, Brown lied.
The failure of the paperwork being sent to the Sheriff's dept or filed in the court system has caused harm and suffering to Engle.
Brown gave a false statement, one of many he has given to the court and law enforcement and is using you both for his ill-gotten gain.
We understand the Sheriff's department must go by filed paperwork. The failure is that they believed Rex Brown and failed to question him on the court hearing and ask if he was there.
Is it just a man's world, even with lies?

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