No, it is nothing to with whether you need an umbrella or not! In the military and law enforcement, we could not live or succeed without it. Here is the reason why!
Let’s look at the general concept of Atmospherics and consider our social networks, communications, and modern living arrangements.
Today, our social atmosphere is dominated by the "silent language" of wireless networks and digital communications which are ever changing and it is not uncommon to see couples or groups of individuals sitting together but totally involved in their personal cell phone, ignoring the presence of the others.
Recent research studies have discovered the importance of other silent languages such as body, temporal, and spatial languages in our social interactions and practitioners in all fields have continued to try and understand and exploit their uses, including in criminal investigations and interrogations.
Everything! If we consider a working definition of the concept of atmosphere as the social “silent language” of a geographical, political, social or criminal circles that can transmit and contain communications that describe the attitudes, feelings, ideas, and intentions, of those within or apart of those circles, then it is absolutely tantamount, that Law Enforcement understand and analyze this portion of the social dialogue to effectively respond to and prevent crime and terrorism in this modern dynamic, silent atmosphere. If this source of information is routinely missing from your department's planning and response to developing a method of operations, conducting investigations, developing community relations and intelligence gathering then you are only dealing with a small part of the evidence/fact acquiring equation. This also has colossal implications for community policing and problem-solving activities within our communities as a data gathering and analytical tool.
What does this mean for law enforcement?
Drastic changes in law enforcement are needed and demanded in leadership, technical expertise and the understanding and use of analytics, in the wake of hazardous political decisions on immigration and homegrown terrorism globally. Political decisions to accept high-risk populations and refugees into their countries without an appropriate, effective and balanced measures and tools to mitigate these high risks, has left law enforcement helpless to respond to the influx of potential terrorist and the subsequent frequent terrorist acts that we are witnessing in Europe, America, and the Middle East. In effect, law enforcement agencies were caught without a game plan and their effectiveness was reduced in this new environment to just what they were accustom to doing---responding to incidents and conducting investigations in the wake of many lives being lost.
This doesn’t have to continue!
Today, recognizing this void of information, CommSmart Global Group has built upon our successes in analytics, proprietary predictions formulas and includes social monitoring techniques developed for military uses in Iraq/Afghanistan and expanded our atmospherics to include social media monitoring, crime analytics, mapping and predictive analysis, added to the existing street level human collection tactics enables greater accuracy and completeness in intelligence gathering activity.
Predictive analysis and crime-solving activity have become more effective when the totality of criminal justice information, social media monitoring, the media, and big data sources are integrated and considered together. Our data sources focus on what is happening in the streets now, who is doing what with who, where they gather, and the subject of interests, so our customers do not have to wait for something to happen to develop a response plan.
In Phoenix, Arizona, we contributed to the apprehension of the Bearded Bank Robber by providing probable dates and locations of the next robbery to the local and federal authorities working the case based solely on information published in the media. When they scoffed at the prediction and the robber hit on one of the days and at one of the locations predicted, they asked if we could do it again. We recalculated based on the new information and this time they took our predictions seriously and were able to stake out the locations on the dates given and apprehended the robber before entering the bank. This was using only media information, and yes the predictions are not exact, but what if we could nail down a couple of days and some locations for you, routinely. The potential for preventing specific crimes is near.
Developed in war zones CommSmart Global Group has honed and expanded the effectiveness and success of these analytic tools, making us all Street Smart.
The key concept requiring further examination is that of the atmosphere. Social Media Monitoring is an absolute key today, but categorically useless, unless you have vast data repositories to analyze, both public and of local, regional and national crime data from the arrests and events, that we have and our clients can have access to.
Additionally, there is few comprehensive, police information sharing consortiums in existences, even after 9-11, that share local police contact data (non-biometric), integrated with RMS/CAD, Jail booking and Criminal Histories (biometric based) together. To build these systems and participate in multi-agency networks have taken years and many millions of dollars and an exorbitant amount of time to develop.
In the US, San Diego County in California has such a system and it was started in 1980 called the Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS) and it's still developing and adding a new query and analytical features. How long can we continue to take this approach of avoidance or waiting for our public leaders or someone else pushes and to implement the next generation of information sharing and predictive analytics? The cost to build this system would be prohibited in today’s market even if you could find and trust a vendor who could build it.
CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner has decades of law enforcement background with Change Agents, Cybercrime Analysts, ex-London Metropolitan Police Officers, Chiefs of Police and Sheriff Commanders on staff, including the former San Diego Commander, who was tasked to develop ARJIS.
Our involvement in counter-terrorism and cybercrime internationally allows us to think and act with the confidence demanded in these dire times. We understand all concerns, methodology and speak the right language to you all.
Our solutions are available now and will be discussed via telephone with established law enforcement agencies. Call or email us for verification. Then, we can discuss and demonstrate. Oh, have a cup of coffee at hand, afterward, you will understand why.
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USA: +1 (330) 366.6860
Copyright 2016
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