Statistical Data/Information
Screws You Over Every Time!
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO,
CommSmart Global Group, a LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner
Reports on crime and how over the last decade trends have changed, with nothing happening that is changing the landscape of American’s slide in societal deprivation is a crime in itself.
Then we see this released report:
“While national crime statistics remain historically low, violent crime—particularly homicides and shootings—is rising in many major cities. The Police Foundation and the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), with generous support from the Joyce Foundation, are jointly releasing a report entitled, Reducing Violent Crime in American Cities: An Opportunity to Lead. The report provides more than 25 recommendations for the new Administration and Congress, to strengthen federal-local partnerships and support local efforts to reduce violent crime.”
Sorry, it just does not paint the real picture whatsoever!
They do nothing for the street level crime fighting of NOW!
Why would I severely knock such a report?
It is totally out of date and out of true facts for today with a major safety factor staring you right in the face!
For crying out loud it is 2017 and this report does not even contain the reprehensible shootings and murder information on Chicago or other increases in crime nationwide!
Let us continue:
“According to FBI data, the country’s largest cities experienced a 10% increase in homicide and non-negligent murder from 2014 to 2015, and the second largest group of cities saw a 20% surge. More recent data from MCCA suggest these surges in large cities remains steady, with 61 agencies reporting a 10% increase in homicide from 2015 to 2016, and 1400 additional non-fatal shootings over 2015, another important indicator of violent crime. Law enforcement agencies in many of these cities are also reporting substantial increases in non-fatal shootings, another important indicator of violent crime. While the federal government has provided important assistance in recent years, budget and personnel reductions coupled with competing for federal priorities leave some local law enforcement agencies without the fortified partnerships they need to effectively combat violent crime. Law enforcement leaders call for a federal agenda that prioritizes violent crime from both a budgetary and policy standpoint, and that addresses problems with evidence-based solutions.”
As a passionate company that has the world’s largest repository of data/information at our fingers, you can see why we are concerned that law enforcement is working with limited out of date information which places officers and the community at risk.

Those concerned about how we can have extraordinary vetting of those wishing to come to America, have no fear, already in place is the social apparatus to do just that. The structure for knowing who is who is available and knows more of what is in the face and words of a form can be governmentally implemented expeditiously.
Stop having meeting after meeting whilst crime permeates into the underlying skin of your community spreading a ‘Fear Factor’.
Our logical down to earth conversational team of ex-law enforcement personnel & analysts, who have a successful approach to proven solutions from social media scraping to successful predictive analytics is right here and will coach and mentor with technology resolutions, yes, working side by side to understand your local community issues.
For 21 years or crime, analytics have been assisting over 800 agencies globally and includes work for the D.o.D. (Department of Defense, USA) saving lives in predicting the locations of roadside IEDs. A Major life-saving technique that has a massive opportunity in local law enforcement.
If we only have it 50% right in what we state and will achieve, then Chicago murders and shootings would be half of what they are and in the continuance of affecting local communities who live in fear for 1,600 + gang members who are the core issue that must be eradicated.
You are failing to fight the battle of the streets, CommSmart Global Group does not!
- Informative community crime mapping (See USA Crime 'live' Now)
- Crime Analytics with officer dashboard current data
- Predictive Analytics
- Social Media Scraping (Monitoring)
- Real Time Coaching & Mentoring
It is Your Call!
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A LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner
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