Paying It Forward
A couple of weeks ago, I was at a local Perkins restaurant when I overheard two couples talking about 'Pearl Harbor,' the emotion was deep as they discussed who they had lost back then. It made me realize that so many people know nothing about loss. Friends that left and never returned, giving their lives most gruesomely.I decided that I had to thank them for being a reminder to all, so I followed them to the cash register to pay for their breakfast. One wife cried as I told them what I was doing, she said 'no-one had ever brought them breakfast like that.' Now it happened!
Pay it forward, it is not about you and your ego, it is about the joy that you will bring. It is about others...
I was checking my bank statement yesterday and noticed that my charge for my breakfast had been reversed!
Yes, the Perkins manager paid for mine!
Thank you, Perkins, for paying it forward...
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