Monday, December 9, 2019

Generational Male Culture, Ideology & Sexual Aggression Syndrome

Generational Male Culture, Ideology
& Sexual Aggression Syndrome

Do not believe that the male or for that matter, the female has suddenly become more sexually dominate in the last few years.  

They have not!

As we see in the daily headlines, newscasts, and the Internet, generational sexual abuse has suddenly been brought to the forefront.  

Now, with a more direct means of communication, social media's reach and the instant audience are always front and center when allegations are cast.  Whether they are true or false, they make headlines and to hell with what the effects of the posting will have on the 'named individual,' their family, and public.

Accusatorial actions have consequences for all!  Just because it is stated by a named or un-named individual does not mean it is true, partially true, or a total lie.  The accused must have their day of reckoning as well. 

Silence is not a signal of truth with the matter.  There are always two or three sides to any accusations, stories, or photographs.

Times have changed, and this Politically Correct World is a significant part of the problem!

Just what 'is' sexual misconduct?  

Am I not allowed to make a comment on how great a co-worker or friend looks in a sweater?  Has 'goosing' had its day?

None of us, only the individuals concerned know what has transpired.  All the rest is conjecture, is it not?

Step back, look at how we joke about the caveman bashing a woman over the head and dragging her into his cave.  We don't have to finish the storyline as we know what he was after!

Comedy, over the years, is also the record of what was and generationally accepted as something to laugh at, mock, and take as natural in our daily lives.

Yes, there is a locker room banter, with men and women telling stories and jokes about sexual aggression.  We all laugh, even if we are disgusted and go along with the flow and to not be singled out as a prude.

It is stated by many learned individuals that much of what an individual today is shaped by the culture that he or she is born in and lives through, acquiring cultural values, attitudes, and behaviors. Culture determines definitions and descriptions of normality and psychopathology. Religion plays a vital role in how specific populations and societies view, perceive, and process sexual acts as well as sexual violence.

An essential element in the World Health Organization's (WHO) definition of sexual violence is the use of “coercion” or force, and there is a high possibility that there are cultural differences concerning what is labeled as “forced” sexual intercourse. Various cultures describe certain forms of sexual violence that are condemned and other structures that may be tolerated to a degree, the culturally legitimized forms of violence, thus giving rise to a continuum with transgressive coercion at one end to tolerated coercion at the other. 

For example, in South Africa, only the rape of white women was prosecuted under an apartheid system, while sexual violence against black women was accepted as a part of life. Childhood marriages in certain parts of rural India involve marriage and sexual relationship with a girl who is not yet an adult. It, thus, amounts to sexual coercion and is considered illegal. However, the entire issue is sanctioned by personal laws defined by individuals who partake in such marriages as condoned by Khap Panchayats, who decide on marriage partners in certain parts of North India. Similarly, sexual violence is considered legitimate by young men in South Africa who also believe that mental health is negatively affected by a lack of sex.

Cultural aspects of sexual violence can be understood from observations and literature on interpersonal violence (IPV) in the context of sexual acts. Higher rates of sexual abuse are expected to be more prevalent in cultures that encourage the objectification of women, thus making them appear inferior to men. 

However, not all cases are reported to the respective authorities. As high as 67%-84% of cases of sexual violence may go unreported due to the sensitivity of the issue, thereby making it difficult to gather exact figures and a real sense of the problem. It has been postulated that the rates of unreported sexual offenses are higher in some Asian cultures where virginity is highly valued, and a woman's modesty is of utmost importance that gives her family the much-required respect.

Within the evolutionary psychology framework, a higher male-female sex ratio (more men than women) gives rise to competition among males for female mates. This may lead to sexual jealousy and frustration among men contributing to sexual violence. This theoretical framework looks at sexual abuse as a method used by men to ensure the sexual fidelity of their female mates.

However, this may also mean that this theory is applicable only to intrarelationship sexual violence as it refers to fidelity, which occurs within the context of a relationship. This hypothesis may, thus, not explain the rise in cases of child sexual abuse where there is no question of fidelity. It is, of course, entirely possible that this rise is likely with better and accurate reporting.

A paradoxical hypothesis by Guttentag and Secord argues that a high sex ratio with fewer women compared to men raises the value that men give to women, thus reducing the chances of him resorting to intimate partner violence, including sexual abuse.

Within any sociocultural setting, the meaning of being a man/woman and manhood/womanhood may vary with masculine identity being associated with experiences and feelings of power. Paternalistic cultural models encourage the view that men protect women from harm, thus giving the impression that women are mostly incapable of defending themselves.

In addition to violence, the incident of sexual abuse involves elements of control, power, domination, and humiliation. To gain power and control over their victims, perpetrators of sexual violence resort to practices such as abduction, isolation, manipulation, coercion, threats, and sexual abuse. Offenders may not necessarily find the act sexually gratifying, but it is the meaning attributed to power for men that may override sexual goals in such actions. This is very well exemplified in sexual violence against children, which is fundamentally an expression of control over a child's life. Resisting the offender's attempts is unlikely, especially so in the case of children, since they do not always have the cognitive maturity to understand the wrongness of the act.

It has also been postulated that gender equality may increase sexual violence in the form of male backlash, with men being more commonly known to commit sexual abuse across different cultures. It is also entirely possible that increased media attention may attract some individuals to perform these acts so that they gain a degree of infamy.

The latter is hard to believe but nevertheless stated by some!

It seems that this sexual aggression is all onesided, it is not, men shame men, and waiting in the wings are many issues of women being aggressive, sexually to men.  Time will tell and so will others, just wait and see!

Telephone: (515) 200.7068

Copyright 2019

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Paying It Forward

Paying It Forward
A couple of weeks ago, I was at a local Perkins restaurant when I overheard two couples talking about 'Pearl Harbor,' the emotion was deep as they discussed who they had lost back then. It made me realize that so many people know nothing about loss. Friends that left and never returned, giving their lives most gruesomely.

I decided that I had to thank them for being a reminder to all, so I followed them to the cash register to pay for their breakfast. One wife cried as I told them what I was doing, she said 'no-one had ever brought them breakfast like that.' Now it happened!

Pay it forward, it is not about you and your ego, it is about the joy that you will bring. It is about others...

I was checking my bank statement yesterday and noticed that my charge for my breakfast had been reversed! 

Yes, the Perkins manager paid for mine!

Thank you, Perkins, for paying it forward...

Telephone: USA: (515) 200-7068 UK: 0207 1019247


Copyright 2018

Friday, December 6, 2019

Gang Wars - The Failure of Enforcement Tactics and the Need for Effective Public Safety Strategies.

Gang Wars - The Failure of COMMUNITY/Enforcement Tactics 
and the Need for Effective Public Safety Strategies.

It is the ability to fight insurgency and gangs with the full understanding that they are one and the same.  We have failed for too long and the proven approach of CommSmart's People is available now, worldwide.  The amassed information and expertise of the team is forever educating and enforcing the tactile abilities of countries, cities, and communities to reclaim their residential rights and live in safety once more.

The U.K. stabbings are the perfect example of failure!
Even the Skywalk, Des Moines Iowa

Much has been written on this subject and due to lack of resources, nothing has followed through to alleviate the issues.  It is always stated, it is a lack of funding that causes the problem.  Maybe it is, but it is how you approach the gang issues and realize that it is more than money, it is the community responsibility as well.

It is not just having a preconceived plan or collecting data to place in a report.  It is the ability to evaluate the issues, which have many different elements on various levels and then reacting and enacting the formulated plan for the specific concerns that have been established. 

Having a vast tool chest with different scenarios in mind is the key.  Having individuals that care and meticulously plan the solution with their clients and community in mind is CommSmart's People’s modus operandi. 

With keen evaluation, the team is a full boot on the ground unit that accumulates chatter, social medium intelligence and analyzes with proprietary software and does not place it in a data silo, it lays out the plan of action and works hand-in-hand with the authorities to initiate the cleansing for the community to be transported back to normal, which they fully deserve.

The Justice Policy Institute stated: Fear has spread from neighborhoods with longstanding gang problems to communities with historically low levels of crime, and some policymakers have declared the arrival of a national and international gang “crisis.”

Yet many questions remain unanswered.
  • How can communities and policymakers differentiate between perceived threats and actual challenges presented by gangs?
  • Which communities are most affected by gangs, and what is the nature of that impact?
  • How much of the crime that plagues poor urban neighborhoods is attributable to gangs? And what approaches work to promote public safety?

The public face of the gang problem is black and brown, but whites make up the largest group of adolescent gang members. Law enforcement sources report that over 90 percent of gang members are non-white, but youth survey data show that whites account for 40 percent of adolescent gang members. 

White gang youth closely resemble black and Latino counterparts on measures of delinquency and gang involvement, yet they are virtually absent from most law enforcement and media accounts of the gang problem. The disparity raises troubling questions about how gang members are identified by the police.

Most gang members join when they are young and quickly outgrow their gang affiliation without the help of law enforcement or gang intervention programs. A substantial minority of youth (7 percent of whites and 12 percent of blacks and Latinos) goes through a gang phase during adolescence, but most youths quit the gang within the first year. One multistate survey found that fully half of eighth-graders reporting gang involvement were former members. When former gang members cite reasons why they left the gang, they commonly mention high levels of violence and say that they just grew out of gang activity; only rarely do they cite fear of arrest or criminal penalties.

The record of law enforcement anti-gang efforts provides little reason for optimism. Media reports are full of stories about cities where crime goes up, a crackdown is launched, and crime goes down. But a review of research on the implementation of gang enforcement strategies—ranging from neighborhood-based suppression to the U.S. Justice Department Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Comprehensive Gang Program Model—paints a very different picture. Findings from investigations of gang enforcement efforts in 17 jurisdictions over the past two decades yield few examples of success and many examples of failure.

The problems highlighted in the research include:
  • Lack of correspondence between the problem, typically lethal and/or serious violence, and a law enforcement response that targets low-level, non-violent misbehavior.
  • Resistance on the part of key agency personnel to collaboration or implementation of the strategy as designed.
  • Evidence that the intervention had no effect or a negative effect on crime and violence.
  • A tendency for any reductions in crime or violence to evaporate quickly, often before the end of the intervention period.
  • Poorly designed evaluations that make it impossible to draw any conclusions about the effect of an intervention.
  • Failure of replication efforts to achieve results comparable to those of pilot programs.
  • Severe imbalances of power and resources between law enforcement and community partners that hamper the implementation of “balanced” gang control initiatives.

The literature survey also yielded the following findings concerning typical gang enforcement initiatives:

Police gang units are often formed for the wrong reasons and perceived as isolated and ineffectual by law enforcement colleagues. A survey of 300 large cities found that the formation of gang units was more closely associated with the availability of funding and the size of the Latino population than with the extent of a local gang or crime problems. An in-depth study of four cities determined that gang units were formed in response to “political, public, and media pressure” and that “almost no one other than the gang unit officers themselves seemed to believe that gang unit suppression efforts were effective at reducing the communities’ gang problems.” Investigators found that gang officers were poorly trained and that their units became isolated from host agencies and community residents. The chief of one police department admitted that he had “little understanding of what the gang unit did or how it operated.” The authors observed that the isolation of gang units from host agencies and their tendency to form tight-knit subcultures—not entirely unlike those of gangs—may contribute to a disturbingly high incidence of corruption and other misconduct.

Heavy-handed suppression efforts can increase gang cohesion and police-community tensions, and they have a poor track record when it comes to reducing crime and violence. Suppression remains an enormously popular response to gang activity despite concerns by gang experts that such tactics can strengthen gang cohesion and increase tension between law enforcement and community members. Results from the Department of Justice–funded interventions in three major cities yield no evidence that a flood of federal dollars and arrests had a positive impact on target neighborhoods. St. Louis evaluators found that dozens of targeted arrests and hundreds of police stops failed to yield meaningful reductions in crime in the targeted neighborhoods, even during the period of intense police activity. Dallas residents saw the incidence of “gang-related” violence fall in target areas but had little to celebrate because the overall violent crime numbers rose during the intervention period. Detroit evaluators reported initial reductions in gun crimes within two targeted precincts, but the apparent gains were short-lived: by the end of the intervention period, the incidence of gun crime in target areas was at pre-intervention levels and trending upward.

“Balanced” gang control strategies have been plagued by replication problems and imbalances between law enforcement and community stakeholders. Gang program models that seek to balance suppression activities with the provision of social services and supports have been piloted in Boston and Chicago with some, but limited success. But the results of attempts to replicate Operation Ceasefire and the Comprehensive Gang Program Model in other jurisdictions have been disappointing. Replications of the Ceasefire model in Los Angeles and Indianapolis produced no evidence that efforts to disseminate a deterrence message had changed the behavior of gang members. 

Meanwhile, replications of the Chicago model in five cities produced mixed results, with just two sites reporting reductions in participants’ violent behavior that approached statistical significance. Prevention and intervention appeared to lag far behind suppression efforts in the many sites. 

The Los Angeles Ceasefire evaluators concluded: “We suspect that the carrot side of these interventions will always lag far behind the stick side in spite of the best intentions that it does not do so unless some extraordinary efforts are made” (emphasis added). A recent analysis concluded that two-thirds of resources expended on gang reduction in Los Angeles have gone to suppression activities.

African American and Latino communities bear the cost of failed gang enforcement initiatives. Young men of color are disproportionately identified as gang members and targeted for surveillance, arrest, and incarceration, while whites—who make up a significant share of gang members—rarely show up in accounts of gang enforcement efforts. 

The Los Angeles district attorney’s office found that close to half of black males between the ages of 21 and 24 had been entered in the county’s gang database even though no one could credibly argue that all of these young men were current gang members. 

Communities of color suffer not only from the imposition of aggressive police tactics that can resemble martial law but also from the failure of such tactics to pacify their neighborhoods. One researcher argues that in Chicago, for example, a cycle of police suppression and incarceration, and a legacy of segregation, have actually helped to sustain unacceptably high levels of gang violence.  Sadly this is now entering an even worse period for Chicago and gangs and gang violence is increasing at a radical rate.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (515) 200.7068

Copyright 2019

Monday, November 11, 2019

Heavy Mental Jacket...

Heavy Mental Jacket... 
by Nicholas Ashton, CEO, CommSmart Global Group

Someone Knew Something & Did Nothing!

President Trump states that the government will be looking after our war heroes the way they should always be treated. 

The issues are many, varied, and many die each day at their own hands.  They feel lost forgotten and as if they are not respected.  They are!

Mental health is a significant part of the concerns.

Yesterday it was a sword, tomorrow whatever is at hand to end life will be used. 

Will you call to ban those items too?

Discussions on such diverse subjects as gun control and mental illness do go hand in hand.  It is the assumption that banning something will make it be removed from the face of the earth and never cause a problem again.  


Allowing someone who is mentally diminished to own, use, or play with a gun is more than foolish.  The VA (Veterans Administration bans veterans of diminished responsibility to own or have access to a weapon, in fact, they cannot own new property either, that, though, is another story.

Look back at prohibition and what happened with alcohol availability and consumption.  Booze was still available and consumed by the gallon, as it was the "forbidden fruit," so to speak.

300 million + guns are owned and available in the USA, 18,000 people committed suicide with a firearm as the ultimate silencer, 8,000 people were murdered by someone using a gun as the instrument of death.  

A lot of guns and a lot of information, which statistically proves what?  Guns are out there, and no matter what, people will use them.  If they were banned, people would still have died by some other means or method.

Mental health laws are also being called over the coals as well, anti-social behavior is not listed as a treatable disorder.  

Sadly, if we look at the streets of "Any Town, USA," you will find individuals who are homeless and live wherever they can sleep, storing their stuff safely.  

Shelters are full to the brim, and many try to assist these people.  Homeless Shelters are far from safe and constitute a significant part of the problem.  Some are run by ex-criminals and drug dealers, who, take advantage of the social down and outs.  The fox is in charge of the hen house, and this is accepted by local city councils and law enforcement.

Most homeless do not want your help in any way, shape, or form.  The comprehension of their actions and living standards are lost on them.  They know not what they do and how it is affecting us all.

The straight jack of a ban will not work on guns.  The recognizing of mental health issues as a significant problem that needs solving is a priority.  Which will receive the most attention?

Watch your headlines, listen to the commentators, and see politicians flip/flop on the subject of guns.  No disrespect, but Former President Obama stated he will do all in the power of his office to make a change in the event of the school killings. Extreme well-chosen words that were and are empty in the ability for him and his former office to make a change.  It is Washington politicians that have the ultimate control of what happens in this nation, not a President.  Even we do not count!

President Trump is a Second Amendment Supporter and will be looking for gun laws in his administration.

Individuals who come across as weirdos and strange to society are people to be concerned about.  Why do we not voice our concerns about these people? 

Simple, if the person has not broken any laws, there is nothing that can be done. It is not illegal to stand in a corner and stare at people or talk to one's self.  

Wackos are among us, and we only see some of them for a few seconds and make our judgment.  Family members, co-workers, and neighbors see even more, and it is their concern that needs reporting, if they feel vulnerable, then the action is required.

Gossip is part of this problem, social media is a sad section of today's society and fuels the other side of the problem.  Miss-statements, rumors, and pure wrong information make this situation even worse. Followed by the media grasping at all information being stated, airing it before it has been confirmed and adding to the confusion.

It is the time to stand firm and help us all regarding strange individuals in the workplace, on the streets and even in our own homes.  

You may not be around to regret your missed action, and only others will talk about what you should have done and why you ignored the facts.


WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW...

USA: : +1 (515) 200-7068  UK: 0207 1019247

copyright 2019

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A Reminder of Our Collective Duty The Beat Cop & the Nine Peelian Principles The Policeman's Bible

A Reminder of Our Collective Duty
The Beat Cop & the Nine Peelian Principles
Policeman's Bible

The Job of a Police Officer

Whether you are in London, Manchester, Cardiff or Aberdeen or New York, Des Moines, Nashville, Oklahoma, Chicago, Cleveland, Austin, San Diego, Miami, or anywhere else in the world, what makes the job of a police officer remarkable? Is that like any other, the responsibility not only engages the one walking the beat but can only be accomplished with the full support of the family he or she comes home and to the communities he or she patrols?  It is after all the beat cop, the cop who walks the streets and patrols the neighborhoods who answers the calls that ultimately keeps order and restores peace in our socially challenged society. 

He or she is the heart of policing and the heart of every city because, without that presence, we would not be able to be gathered together in peace on any day or evening.

It is the old-fashioned gleaning of street information which is documented, stored, analyzed, and brings the collective knowledge to apprehend and stop criminal acts through crime and predictive analytics.

Hopefully, each community strives for that and uses the Policeman’s Bible and its Nine Peelian Principles, which are the reminder of our collective duty.

Entrical Believes in the Peelian Principles

The Nine Peelian Principles

Telephone:  USA: (515) 661-8299
UK: 0207 1019247
copyright 2019

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Remember, Remember Gunpowder, Treason & Plot...

Remember, Remember
Gunpowder, Treason & Plot...
by Nicholas Ashton, EVP, Entrical

What has changed from 1605 to today in 2019?

Nothing in the fact that people protest in similar ways, especially in the use of explosives. The difference is the speed and methods we receive the information.  
In this case, it is was a failed attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London, with barrels of gunpowder in the basement. It had significant religious connections with the Catholic Church and the potential assassination of King James I.

The U.K. celebrates Guy Fawkes each November 5th, with massive bonfires and burning the effigy of Guy Fawkes on its top. Then fireworks display to boot!

As you see, the world has not changed with our daily sordid events.

How we receive information is just as dangerous as the gunpowder plot itself.

The explosive content is the information stored on Data Silos and Servers around the global, Guy Fawkes has been replaced by Hackers, Phishers, and Man in the Middle Brutal Attackers.  Even the Guy Fawkes likeness has been hijacked as the logo of the Hackers.

The Internet is worse than a smelly, damp basement, it is a sewer of miscreants, no, cyber terrorists, who want what you have and not pay for it. 

Cyber thievery is rampant, and YOU are doing NOTHING about it!

The Daily Hack Attacks are becoming so matter of the fact that you have stopped being concerned.  Complacency has set in!  If it was you, they got this time, you think you have missed the cyber bullet!


YOU are on the list, and they will find you and ply their cyber trade, messing up your life and financial stability.  Whether personally or corporately, it will do harm!

As a corporation, can you afford the same problems as Target, the retail store?
Significant loss of revenue, a mistrusted BRAND, customer rejection, and now closing more stores across the USA?  Of course you can't!

Then why are you so arrogant in not solving the cyber issues?

We do not want to be your friend, we want to secure your business and not let what happened to Target, and thousands of other companies be destroyed because they thought they knew it all.

Entrical, @ the Speed of Life...



North America: +1 (515) 661-8299

U.K.:                        0247 1019247

copyright 2019

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


By Nicholas Ashton,
EVP Strategic Development - Entrical Suite of Solutions

I will never forget the morning of September 11th, 2001, as the very personal attack of terrorists took place on American soil.  The fear that gripped the faces as they ran from the clouds of the debris of the collapsing towers, not knowing if it was their last hopeless steps.

We were asked to come to New York to assist in the terroristic concerns and work with NYPD and the US government.  We as a team drove through the night to reach this challenging situation.  Working there over a period and understanding what had happened was daunting, but necessary.

This was not the first attack at the World Trade that I had responded to. 1993, the first failed attack.

To see the fear of those fleeing, the running invigorates the body and brings on all sorts of emotions and triggers the senses within.  The Good, Bad and the Ugly surface and take over our emotions as they did, that awful day.

The sense of fear has never left many and is triggered by other acts and events that occur around us on a daily basis.  If you let terrorism be one of those triggers, the insane morons have won.  Easy for me to say I know, believe it or not, I do have a heart, emotion, triggers too and control.

I was watching a segment on BBC television regarding the killing of the soldier and two eminent professors making some simple statements that I have always have rolling around in my head.  To some, they are stock answers on terrorist attacks and the feelings of people.

A simple one is:

You are much more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a terrorist.  (Might need to ask golfer, Lee Trevino that question)

The jihadist is wanting and succeeding to instill fear by a dreadful attack on the human race and by any means that brings the attention of groups, individuals and importantly, the media.

Making the front page of the local rag and #1 story of the local evening news on television is the goal.  We humans, bow to their wishes, each and every time.

fear factor

Main Entry: fear factor 

Part of Speech: n
Definition: the extent to which a person's fear keeps them from doing something; any feeling of fear that prevents an action 

In November 2001, I completed a series of How to Reduce the Fear Factor and Increase the Comfort Zone lectures and seminars in the United States.  Massively successful and addressed many audiences of Public Safety and Corporate America.  Never had we addressed this issue before, as no one believed it could ever happen in their lifetime.

All security has, and rightfully so, concentrated on the explosive and the gun as the weapon of choice of the jihadist.  Technology and sophistication of bomb-making and being able to beat the system of detection devices, from the simplest, the canine nose to the extreme of technology, electronic sniffers and x-ray devices.

The killing has come full circle once more.  The knife, a simple piece of steel that is so cold in the killing of another human being.  They say history repeats itself and we never learn from our mistakes.  Complacency is always the underlying factor and we are extremely good at letting down our guard in times of need.

The CommSmart Global Group, now with Entrical Suite of Solutions is embarking on a new series of seminars next year to bring to Public Safety departments and Corporate America, the need to be communicating from within and setting higher standards for leadership and understanding.  It is a combined Duty of Care for you all to understand our responsibility to all.

We must never forget those that have laid down their lives for us to live today.  We must remove the fear factor and increase our comfort zones, one and all.

Reports over the years have told us: 

In the years after the 9/11 attacks in America and the 2005 London bombings, there was fevered speculation that Al Qaeda might soon belabor the West with biological or even nuclear weapons.

Our forefathers who braved two World Wars and the Cold War would be bewildered and, I think, dismayed that such an action could generate such turmoil.

The specter of an ‘enemy within’ is bound to be more disturbing than any foreign threat.

While most Muslims wholeheartedly condemn the killers, we know from bleak experience that a significant minority will tell opinion pollsters they actually endorse what was done.

We must nonetheless sustain a sense of perspective. Racially aggravated murders, claiming victims of all races, have been taking place for many years.”

It will go on unless we increase our comfort zones and stop the madness…
We are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

USA:+1 (515) 200.7068
UK: 0207 1019247

Copyright 2019

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

This Is Digital Policing In The NOW!

This Is Digital Policing In The NOW!

For more information on LENSS (Law Enforcement Network Sharing Solution).


The Total Data Sharing Force Multiplier, which is a historical event chain in Real-Time for Street-Level Officers, Detectives & Management. Plus, the Global Currency Tracking/Money Laundering Solution for ‘Drug Buys, Organized Crime & White-Collar Issues.

Information sharing across agencies and jurisdictions statewide not only “levels the playing field” among agencies, but it also strengthens law enforcement throughout the state as criminals who are known by local law enforcement in one part of the state, travels through and possibly commits crimes in other parts of the state regularly.

LENSS, (The Law Enforcement Network Sharing Solution,) is the only available real-time, non-siloed solution that connects all law enforcement agencies across borders and globally to one information sharing network.

Telephone: (515) 200-7068 or U.K.: 0207 1019247

Sunday, August 11, 2019

From the Shadows of Fading Blue, The Hurt Is On Both Sides

Foresight - From the Shadows of Fading Blue,
The Hurt Is On Both Sides, Regarding Mental Health

If you believe that it is the people and the police who are at loggerheads, you are right but also wrong!

Sir Robert Peel, the father of policing in 1829 set the standards with his Nine Peelian Principles, which stand firm today. Most law enforcement personnel has never heard of Peel, let alone his principles.

I certainly have and so does Commissioner Bill Bratton.  Ask him, Google his opinion on Peel.  You will be shocked and join in our opinions wholeheartedly.

The Public are the Police and Police are the People’.  You put your pants on the same way every single day, so never forget that you are the public also.

Attitudes right now are running in the wrong direction and need to be reeled back into the reality of social standards.  I know, you think that is hogwash and it is not your job to be a shrink, divorce lawyer, mentor, and parent.  It is, as you have all the same problems and traits as the public, which you are part of.

Sadly, over the decades in your lifetime, no matter how long or short it is, attitudes have changed.  Respect and Trust in employment and on the streets is not a manner of bullying until they get the message and do it your inner social way.

We have all met those management types who attempt to dominate you in a manner that you know is wrong.  You say nothing but ‘Yes Sir, Three Bags Full, Sir’, stop doing it!  It is not your place or theirs to get you to do your job by intimidation. You are sadly taking it back to the street with the wrong attitude and there lies the problem!

Racism is used every single moment a police officer interviews or arrests someone who is a different color or ethnicity.  I did not see in any crime rulebook that color is every mentioned.  It is about criminals and criminality.  Remember that the next time you put hands on a suspect.  Not just for you to understand, it is the other public, too!

Come on, we are all racists on all sides, it is in our DNA, but the law books have no color, religion, class or creed listed.

Every day we rub shoulders with police officers from around the globe, converse, share and most of all, think of how the actions of us all can bring us back to Sir Robert Peel's Nine Principles.

Nicholas Ashton
USA: 1 (515) 200-7068
UK: 0207 101 9247

copyright 2019