If, Is The Dark Dank Shadow In The
White House.
Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.
The White
House has always been filled with secrets and black marks against decisions
made on heated situation. Does the
current resident really care about what the American people want and
deserve? Is this just a continuing journey
for Barack Obama of ego trips and “I did it My
around the world have never been so on edge and the drums of war are resounding
from all nations with major concerns. Is
this the beginning of World War III and the demise of the
world as we know it?
Syria is of
course a concern as is Iran and Iraq, so we are told. Since John Kerry and Defense Sec. Hagle made
their statements that they were 100% that it was Assad using chemical weapons
on his own people. Now the story is, we actually
lack evidence on this fact. The
statements being made by Obama’s lap dogs is varying and inconclusive on all
fronts. Yes, people died from being
gassed, that is a fact, who gassed these women, children and men is unknown. Was it the rebels doing this to draw America
into the fight?
missiles at unknown targets will cause collateral damage, in real terms, it
kills people as well, innocent people! I
am far from a pacifist, I do though like to know the plan entry and exit and
the pure ramifications of the “what if” factors.
There is no
such thing as a short involvement in war.
War is fluid and reactionary in nature.
Predicting the outcome of such an attack would be lying and misinforming
the nation.

President of the United States has made this a “reality television” event and it will be on Tuesday evening you
will see this unfold in his speech.
Prior to this, all networks will air one on one interviews in an act to
try and influence your Congress and Representatives in Washington D.C. If the vote is against his ever changing plan
for an attack on Syria to teach them a lesson is NO, what will he do?
WE are in the NOW and
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