Monday, September 23, 2013

Troll Attacks On Serious Matters.

Troll Attacks On serious matters.
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

It all started with a very serious post, our previous blog regarding Active Shooter Plans. (

Basically an attack on why I should make statements regarding concerns on what is and has occurred at the Kenya Mall.  A gentleman, a term which in this case I use loosely, thought that we had no right to write or talk about what is required from a safety perspective and challenged our capabilities in such regard.


I replied:

Mr. Springer, I can only have humor when a "troll" makes such statements regarding us and my blog regarding active shooters.  It was Sunday evening and I was relaxing watching the 65th Emmy Awards and my email sounded.  I saw it was your post and we all had a good laugh that you would attack the messenger.  The message is strong, our clients appreciate our work, advice and implementation of services.  WE believe in the Duty of Care!

Linked In or a blog is neither the time nor the place to discuss every single solitary action of our group of companies or information that is best kept in the back room.  We are in the security business and our staff, Tinker, Tailors, Soldiers and Spies, have seen action from Northern Ireland, Holland, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, Falklands, and other far flung actions that shall remain nameless.  Bombs, Bullets and Insurgents have been dealt with and you want to "Troll" us?

Mr. Springer, I suggest that you continue to attempt to have the success we have and serve our clients in all that we do.  Shame on you Sir!

You, like many do not listen to what is needed in the world, because you are too busy being upset that someone else got there first and you wish you had written or acted on a situation with our level of success. 

Our web is not advertising to us, we do not look for work to come through the web portal, we use my blog and Internet presence for those that wish to see some sort of presence.  Social media or in this case, your un-social comments reminds me of the morons and time wasters out in the wide world.  If it was not there, the Internet, you would be killing neighborhood cats or breaking windows to draw attention.

I have spent enough time on you and your pathetic reasoning.  So go share this with some of your buddies and believe you have rattled my cage.  You have not, you gave me an opportunity to write on a different subject this morning, one, again from my heart!

You notice this was posted between 2-3 a.m., reason, we work with our global clients in their time zones, and we care!

We save lives and our well trained staff object to your comments and we do not have to write every single detail of what we do in life, we just do it!

Get back to what you do best and we thank you for the chance to answer such a low life "troll"...

This ends the conversation, we have more important situations to deal with...  

Oh, do not bother in attempting to taunt me, I can be mean and surgical in my actions as I smile whilst I, no, I will not explain...

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Worldwide Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Cyber Intel, Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability, Social Medium Information Scraping.

Tracometry Group of Companies – Reg. Office. Dorrington Farm, Rye Hill Road, Harlow, Essex CM18 7jF
copyright 2013


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