Sunday, August 11, 2019

From the Shadows of Fading Blue, The Hurt Is On Both Sides

Foresight - From the Shadows of Fading Blue,
The Hurt Is On Both Sides, Regarding Mental Health

If you believe that it is the people and the police who are at loggerheads, you are right but also wrong!

Sir Robert Peel, the father of policing in 1829 set the standards with his Nine Peelian Principles, which stand firm today. Most law enforcement personnel has never heard of Peel, let alone his principles.

I certainly have and so does Commissioner Bill Bratton.  Ask him, Google his opinion on Peel.  You will be shocked and join in our opinions wholeheartedly.

The Public are the Police and Police are the People’.  You put your pants on the same way every single day, so never forget that you are the public also.

Attitudes right now are running in the wrong direction and need to be reeled back into the reality of social standards.  I know, you think that is hogwash and it is not your job to be a shrink, divorce lawyer, mentor, and parent.  It is, as you have all the same problems and traits as the public, which you are part of.

Sadly, over the decades in your lifetime, no matter how long or short it is, attitudes have changed.  Respect and Trust in employment and on the streets is not a manner of bullying until they get the message and do it your inner social way.

We have all met those management types who attempt to dominate you in a manner that you know is wrong.  You say nothing but ‘Yes Sir, Three Bags Full, Sir’, stop doing it!  It is not your place or theirs to get you to do your job by intimidation. You are sadly taking it back to the street with the wrong attitude and there lies the problem!

Racism is used every single moment a police officer interviews or arrests someone who is a different color or ethnicity.  I did not see in any crime rulebook that color is every mentioned.  It is about criminals and criminality.  Remember that the next time you put hands on a suspect.  Not just for you to understand, it is the other public, too!

Come on, we are all racists on all sides, it is in our DNA, but the law books have no color, religion, class or creed listed.

Every day we rub shoulders with police officers from around the globe, converse, share and most of all, think of how the actions of us all can bring us back to Sir Robert Peel's Nine Principles.

Nicholas Ashton
USA: 1 (515) 200-7068
UK: 0207 101 9247

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