Friday, May 16, 2014

Just The Facts…

Just The Facts…
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

The FACTS... KeyTalk, a 2 factor authentication, acting as PKI in a Private domain at nearly zero management!

KeyTalk, a two factor authentication, using your device as the second factor generating a break-through 2SSL peer to peer communication channel over any untrusted (internet) connection. 

Device DNA is your authentication, not a human password!

The user automatically receives a short lived device certificate using a corresponding key pair in the range from 2048 through 4096 bit encryption which changes automatically every next time. Short lived access keys configurable from minutes thru hours, completely transparent to the end user and standard server configurations.

KeyTalk generates an intrusion proof data in motion channel to protect your data.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking… Key Talking…
Secure Connections

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London, U.K., Netherlands, K.L. Malaysia

Copyright 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Eyes Have It!

The Eyes Have It!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

We have two of them, although it is said that some, have eyes in the back of their heads.  Mothers see all, even around corners and fathers it seems, turn a blind eye on their children.  As they believe they can do no wrong.

Ears are slight different, selective hearing is used as an excuse in more ways than you or I know.  I can remember my mother calling in for late dinner during the summer holidays and me ignoring her calls.  I didn’t do it too often, as my belly needed that food!

Our eyes and ears are a key to the window of the world and rely on our memory to bring back what we have seen and heard.  Technology has vastly improved and nearly all, carry a camera in the palm of their hand and have the ability to capture so much.  We don’t! 

It amazes me that we still cannot get a good photograph of an alien spaceship that people talk about.  It is always fuzzy and out of focus.  Then there is abominable snowman who wanders the snowy deep, no one has got his picture!

When a witness is asked to recount the incident, they never or rarely get it right.  So what do we really record in our minds and do we have total recall?  Some do and those that need to, well, times are a changing…

Stay tuned to us for an announcement on Thursday…

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking… Key Talking…
Secure Connections

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London, U.K., Netherlands, K.L. Malaysia

Copyright 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

So Some Nutcase Has His Knickers In A Twist!

So Some Nutcase Has His Knickers In A Twist!
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

What a weekend, thunderstorms, tornadoes and raving nutcases!

Amazing how wars can and do get started, it is always information and misinformation, the entanglement of words and lies, intertwined with half-truths and downright fantasy and fiction that cause wars.  You see, anyone can say or write anything on the Internet and people believe it.  

Take Al Gore, the inventor of the Internet for instance.  NOT!

Personal threats do not sit well with me when I cannot reach out and defend myself physically.  In fact when the person making accusations who has pulled the cork on too many bottles of wine, there is the issue.  

To quote someone who knows him, "he is not of this world", "he has social issues", I think you get the picture!

I suppose that is the price of being an innovator who melds solutions, successful solutions regarding computer security and secure connectivity. 

Jealousy is a Bitch!
Some maniac has a large hair up his rear-end that has turned into a tree branch, thinking and believing I have stolen his ideas and run worldwide with them! There is nothing further from the truth, but will this hair brain listen? 

In fact through our research he does not even own the Patent and was part of an authorship team.  I believe he needs another cork extraction...

Something like Samsung and Apple over words and actions.  Mine is even worse but on a lower level, sadly a distraction to say the least.  It is what executives have to deal with in this anti-social world we survive in.

To threaten my life and state what you will do to me in writing, on a public business website, is more than stupid.  To try and make people believe I and my companies are a very nasty people does not sit well in the courts of the world.  

Our information from the company that really owns the Patents is enlightening as he has not been involved in the company since 2005 and has tiny, tiny shares only, to quote.  In fact, they have no issue with us whatsoever as there is no comparison in our technologies. 

Sending a Jew, quotes in Arabic and calling them wankers and little boys is nothing but childish.  Sadly, it has to be taken seriously and we are

Making the statement you will make dust of someone and place them under the carpet is silly but never the less, a threat.  Understand, I come the back streets of London and am not proponent of the Queensbury rules of fighting, when provoked, I kick, scratch, and will turn your nether regions into…  I think you get the picture!

So, back to the work at hand and away from the distraction demons…

What an exciting weekend!  How was yours?

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Key Talk – Man-In-The-Middle, Hacking & Phishing Solutions
Straight Talking… Key Talking…
Secure Connections

Galveston, Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, London, U.K., Netherlands, K.L. Malaysia

Copyright 2014