Saturday, April 20, 2013

Thank God...

Over, But, It Has Only Just Begun…
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

A city has been loosened from the grip of two men.  All public safety departments worked tirelessly to achieve this goal.  The public listened, followed the commands, informed and watched, waiting for the outcome.  The answer came with the violent arrest of the second bomber.

The true connection between public and police departments worked, they communicated on a severe criminal case, both wanting a safe end.  Information, photographs and tips bombarded the FBI tip line and all contributed to this success.

The momentum must continue to tell the existing preying criminals, things are different from now on.  

Police and public must continue to work hand in hand to remove crime from the streets, communities, neighborhoods and households.  This wanting need for safety is there to be expanded, bringing back what we once use to have.

The Tracometry Group of Companies is a conduit for this success.  Our circle
of fire, which includes:

*   the core need of collecting street level information, digitally, which expedites the distribution to all
*   crime analytics, tracking analysis, calls for service and next event predictability
*   Pied Piper Project, rejuvenating communities by bringing  back Trust, Respect and Pride, which in turn increase responsibility
*   Recoupeit, reuniting revenues for municipalities and cities.  Collecting monies owed

Let us continue the success and work together…

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW… 

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

copyright 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Public Made The Difference

Help Came,
Information Flowed,
Do Not Stop…
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

This has been a fast and furious 12 hours, since the FBI issued photographs, video and more information on the two persons of interest regarding the Boston Marathon on April 15th, 2013.

Prior to the release of information, reporters discussed the steps the FBI and local law enforcement had been taking to collect the information surrounding the bombing.  In so doing, Catherine Herridge, an award-winning Chief Intelligence correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) based in Washington, D.C. described to a tee, the analytic steps that were being followed, this was the full procedures using the inner workings of Tracometry Group of Companies street level gathering of information and then processed through our crime analytical services and solutions. 

In cases like this, it is then further processed through our crime analytics and next event predictability techniques, powered by BAIR Analytics.  This process is time saving and has been developed since the 1990's.  Never, has there been a crime solving solution, so definitive in is potential results, used in so many ways.

Doing comparative analysis, searching linked data via social media, police reports, narratives, media and public information.  This has been a historic week in crime fighting, behind the scenes, analysts have tools in their solution box to effect results.  It is the creation of the algorithms, proprietary software and techniques that has brought us to this successful conclusion and usage of the systems in crime solving.

There is much more to do and on a daily basis over 500 agencies use our software to solve crimes and make our streets safer by early apprehension of criminals.  Our predictive analysis is beyond reproach.  Solving serial crime and criminals is our forte and has proved effective, time and time again.
The request for information by the Boston police and the FBI resulted in a mass influx of information, which had to be processed extremely quickly.  It is no good having this amount of data coming in, if you have no way to process.  Data silos are useless to us, the information must be actively utilized.

A precedent has been set this week in the willingness of the public to assist in crime fighting.  Safely the public can assist with information and the momentum of this free-flow of information must continue. 
As we stated yesterday, it has taken decades to change the mindset of the public, tragedy, death and invasion of ruthless killers, has in an instance, changed how we can now move forward with additional crime fighting assistance.  This was not the way we wanted to have the public join us, but in this turbulent world of street crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, rape, murder, domestic and child abuse, the public must be involved in tackling crime.

"Criminals are color blind. They don't care about the victim's race, class or creed. They target anyone. They show no mercy on those they affect, plunder and kill.  That is why fighting crime has to be a collective effort," stated Nick Ashton, Founder/CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

This information is vital to solve these crimes and we must maintain this confidence in public assistance. Thank you and we ask you to do more, please assist in as many ways as possible, you are and can make a difference national and in your neighborhoods.

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW… 

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

copyright 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just the Facts, Just the Facts...

Your Help Is Needed,
No, Required…
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO,
Tracometry Group of Companies.

Public cooperation has been lacking in the fight against crime, until the horrific bombing at the Boston marathon, on Monday April 15th, 2013.

Through video and photographs, law enforcement is now searching for  individuals.

The days of only the police being responsible for fighting crime is now over.

“We live in different times. The landscape and challenges have changed, everybody has a part to play in ensuring the country’s security,” said Nick Ashton, Founder/CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

It has taken decades to change the mindset of the public, tragedy, death and invasion of ruthless killers, has in an instance, changed how we can now move forward with additional crime fighting assistance.  This was not the way we wanted to have the public join us, but in this turbulent world of street crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, rape, murder, domestic and child abuse, the public must be involved in tackling crime.

"Criminals are color blind. They don't care about the victim's race, class or creed. They target anyone. They show no mercy on those they affect, plunder and kill.  That is why fighting crime has to be a collective effort," stated Ashton.

Despite efforts to get the public involved over the decades, cooperation was still lacking until Monday, April 15th, more mobile phone cameras clicked and documented the event of terror than ever before.  Social media took a great leap as a crime fighting tool, literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of images were captured of this event.

The public were there, the event happened next to them, they were part of the sad action and today, everyone has a camera in their hands.  Pre and post event digital information by the ton is now at hand and everyone was now the recorder of record. Social media from Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Instagram and others, were the conduits of vital real time evidence. 

Different from the day of Sir Robert Peel, who, in 1829, formed the first police force in Great Britain.  Certainly there has been a mindset that the police are the only ones to fight crime and the public, in general, believed that only the police should be responsible for tracking the criminals.

Now after Monday’s event, the public understand the important role they can play.  This wake up call, although tragic, moves us in a very different direction.  It has its draw backs, one of which, is information overload.  That is where the Tracometry Group of Companies enters the crime scene.

Data and information grows exponentially daily and if not manipulated, becomes useless in hours.  Unconnected data silos are nothing more than expensive computer drives or file cabinets. Useless, to say the least!  Sitting collected data does nothing to solve crime.

The ability to search this data with sophisticated proprietary algorithmic software, developed, proven and successful, as a crime fighting tool, is vital and is not a dream, it has been in operation since the late 1990’s. In fact we have updated and created even more crime fighting tools, each and every year since.

Crime analytics, tracking, calls for service data and importantly, next event predictability are solution tools available to every crime fighting agency, worldwide.  Powered by BAIR Analytics, Tracometry Group of Companies, has vast expertise in this field and dominates the arena of crime solutions.

With social media being a data stream in its millions of characters, it is impossible for any single human being to know what the “chatter” of the day is.  We can, by analyzing each and every word that is “thumbed” by all, looking for common denominators, patterns and systemic themes that are being communicated, identified and isolated for further investigation.

Photographic evidence is a boon as a crime fighting tool and is, but part of creating a timeline of events.  The software to create comparisons is relatively new and in the last four years has taken giant strides in recognition and pattern analysis.  Sadly far from what is portrayed on NCIS or CIS television series, but it will get there.  No one could ever believe that our predictive tools were real, they thought it from the movies and was just in a script writer’s mind.

Tracometry Group of Companies is real!  It is the connection between fiction and non-fiction, it is here today saving lives around the world with its next event predictability regarding the placement of IED’s in Afghanistan, or to catch bank robbers in the act of doing the crime.  It saves thousands of man hours and completes in minutes, in what police researchers would normally take half a day to finish.  Yes, that effective in utilizing resources.

It is not just crime analytics, municipalities use us for traffic pattern, and in fact any type of city information can be analyzed.

So times have changed overnight and we must encompass the public’s momentum in wanting to assist in crime fighting and help law enforcement understand the ramifications of these willing bodies that are out there.  

Gone are the days of it is just the cops that solve crimes, it has taken a leap in a positive direction and is for us to use, not lose!

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW… 

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

copyright 2013