Saturday, February 9, 2013

Stop Horseing Around With Our Food!

Neigh, This Is Not True!
by Nick Ashton, CEO/Founder, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Food companies once had Trust and Respect for their customers and vice a versa. Is this the new idea to rip the customer off and make off with the money? Ultimately having no concern that you might make them ill?

Where do you stand?

It is about being caught supplying Horse Meat for public consumption and illegal in many parts of the world.  Especially when you dupe the buyer!

Burger King denied they had even sold horse meat for two solid weeks and has now come clean.

Findus Foods has been caught selling horse meat as burger meat is frozen foods.   100% horse meat as beef!  Aldi supermarkets have been caught in the middle with a French company providing the foods and removed from their shelves.  

How much did they know and when?

American news organizations have not even reported this for nearly a month, who in the USA is moving horse meat as beef and how long has it been going on?

It is not just a secure labelling that is required, it is honesty from all parties and you know that will never happen!

Horse meat has been sold since man and woman had to feed their bellies.  Back then, horse meat did not contain the chemicals that are injected into horses that are dangerous to man and woman.  We are not talking about a small amount of this dangerous food it is in the millions of pounds of horse meat.

‘The British Secretary of State for Agriculture is returning to London. It’s important we get this right. It’s important to say there’s no reason to believe any frozen food currently on sale is unsafe or a danger to health.’

Environment Secretary Owen Paterson attempted to quell health fears over the lasagnas by saying he would be prepared to let his family eat one. There are concerns the horse meat contains a drug used by vets which is a health risk to humans.

The Findus withdrawals come after ten million beef burgers were taken off the shelves last month because horse meat was found in products sold by Tesco.

A Department of Health spokesman said: It is not a Government issue – every hospital sources its own food. It is all locally sourced.’ 

There is also concern that the horse meat has not been tested for the presence of veterinary drug phenylbutazone. Also known as ‘bute’, it has been found to cause a serious side effects in about one person in 30,000.

Findus became concerned about that the products had been contaminated on January 29 but did not raise the alarm for a week.

After Comigel was unable to provide evidence that all the meat used was beef, Findus withdrew the lasagnas on Monday.

It subsequently tested 18 of its beef lasagna products, made by the company, and found that 11 contained in the range of 60 per cent to 100 cent horse meat, the FSA said.

The French firm which supplied horse meat passed off as beef to British shoppers was at the centre of a major E.coli scare just 20 months ago, it emerged today.

Inspectors feared that some 12 tonnes of beef mince from the Spanghero plant in Castelnaudary, in the south west of the country, was riddled with the potentially lethal bacteria. 

The firm supplied meat for French frozen food giant Comigel which made the Findus beef lasagnes found to contain 100 per cent horse meat.

UPDATE!!!  The Guardian Newspaper

Horsemeat scandal blamed on international fraud by mafia gangs

DNA testing of food to be stepped up following fears there has been criminal activity on an international scale

Organised criminal gangs operating internationally are suspected of playing a major role in the horsemeat scandal that has seen supermarket shelves cleared of a series of products and triggered concerns about the contamination of the UK's food chain.

Sources close to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Food Standards Agency said it appeared that the contamination of beefburgers, lasagne and other products was the result of fraud that had an "international dimension".
Experts within the horse slaughter industry have told the Observer there is evidence that both Polish and Italian mafia gangs are running multimillion-pound scams to substitute horsemeat for beef during food production. There are claims that vets and other officials working within abattoirs and food production plants are intimidated into signing off meat as beef when it is in fact cheaper alternatives such as pork or horse.
In an attempt to reassure the public that Britain's food chain was not victim to systemic fraud, the environment secretary Owen Paterson on Saturday met representatives from the big four supermarkets, retail bodies and leading food producers to thrash out a plan to increase the amount of DNA testing of food.
"The retailers have committed to conduct more tests and in the interests of public confidence I've asked them to publish them on a quarterly basis," said Paterson. He stressed there was no evidence yet that the scandal had become a public safety issue.
Paterson insisted retailers had to play the leading role in clamping down on the problem. "Ultimate responsibility for the integrity of what is sold on their label has to lie with the retailer."
The last time the government sanctioned testing for horsemeat in animal products was in 2003 when equine DNA was found in salami.
The first results of a new series of tests for equine DNA in what the FSA terms "comminuted beef products" – where solid materials are reduced in size by crushing or grinding – will be published on Friday. "We have to be prepared that there will be more bad results coming through," Paterson said.
He confirmed that the government was open to bringing in the Serious and Organised Crime Agency if, as seems evident, the fraud is on an international scale. He said the Metropolitan police had been asked to investigate the scandal and that the force was liaising with counterparts in other countries. Paterson suggested the scandal was potentially a "worldwide" issue.
"I'm concerned that this is an international criminal conspiracy here and we've really got to get to the bottom of it," he said.
The Labour MP Mary Creagh said she was passing information to police that suggested several British companies were involved in the illegal horsemeat trade. "I hope that this information will enable the police to act speedily to stamp out these criminals who are putting the future of the food industry at risk."
Concerns about the substitution of horsemeat for beef first emerged in mid-January when supermarket chains withdrew several ranges of burgers. Fears of contamination prompted hundreds of European food companies to conduct DNA checks on their products that resulted in the food giant, Findus, discovering that one of its products, a frozen beef lasagne, contained meat that was almost 100% horse.
It has emerged that Findus conducted three tests on its products on 29 January that suggested there was horsemeat contamination. The revelation has raised questions about why it took several days for the products to be pulled from the shelves.
Findus indicated it was ready to sue as the company announced it would on Monday file a complaint against an unidentified party.
In a statement, the firm said: "Findus is taking legal advice about the grounds for pursuing a case against its suppliers, regarding what they believe is their suppliers' failure to meet contractual obligations about product integrity. The early results from Findus UK's internal investigation strongly suggests that the horsemeat contamination in beef lasagne was not accidental."
Supermarket chain Aldi has confirmed that two of its ready meal ranges produced by Comigel, the French supplier also used by Findus, were found to contain between 30% and 100% horsemeat.
Comigel claims it sourced its meat from Romania, which has been subjected to export restrictions due to the prevalence of the viral disease equine infectious anaemia in the country. Spanghero, the French company that supplied the meat for the Findus beef lasagne, announced it will also sue its Romanian suppliers.
The scandal has raised questions about what happens to the 65,000 horses transported around the EU each year for slaughter. The campaign group World Horse Welfare said thousands of animals suffered as a result of making long journeys across national borders. Partly as a result of welfare concerns, the trade in live horses has fallen dramatically. In 2001, 165,000 horses were shipped across Europe.
The decline in the cross-border trade in live horses has seen an increase in the sale of chilled and frozen horsemeat, much of which goes to Italy. Last year Romania significantly increased its export of frozen horsemeat to the Benelux countries.
Attention is now focusing on eastern Europe, a major supplier of horsemeat to France and Italy. Some of the meat that went into Ireland came from suppliers in Poland, which exports around 25,000 horses for slaughter each year. Industry sources also suggested to the Observerthat gangs operating in Russia and the Baltic states were playing a role in the fraudulent meat trade.
Other food companies have, as a result of their investigations, found that their supplies have been contaminated. The FSA confirmed that meat held in cold storage in Northern Ireland has been impounded after it was discovered to contain equine DNA. A London-based company, 3663, found pork in some of the halal meat it supplies the prison service.
Questions are now being asked about meat supplied to a range of public sector organisations, including the NHS. "Every NHS and healthcare organisation will have different local circumstances and it would be for those organisations to satisfy themselves that the food they supply meets the needs of their patients," said the Department of Health. "Any investigations into the provenance of those supplies would also be done locally."
British farmers have expressed concerns that the scandal could affect consumer confidence in British beef. "Our members are rightly angry and concerned with the recent developments relating to contaminated processed meat products," said the National Farmers' Union president, Peter Kendall. "The contamination took place post farm-gate which farmers have no control over."

Think about your own company and how you do business and with whom.  Do you believe you are being honest and your clients have Trust and Respect in you?

For more information I have listed the news stories for you.  Google for more…


Friday, February 8, 2013

The Year of the Snake...

Business and the Year of the Snake 
by Nick Ashton, CEO/Founder, Tracometry Group of Companies.

I have never, ever been a fan of snakes and until I was handed a rather large snake at Alligator World in Orlando, Florida, I was taken aback at the texture and the feel. (Still not happy about touching them)

I thought they were slimy and cold and… no, those are just people!

It is the year of the Snake and boy, do we have some “snake oil” salesman out there among the business world.  It will apy you to read up on the year and might assist in doing business worldwide and used as small talk at parties.
I am looking at this as the Chinese New Year and the Dragon now turns into a snake and we must all pay very close attention.

Having business in Asia and spent many months there last year, I feel I am better prepared for business in that region and have a far better understanding for the culture overall.

We have searched high and low and even among the grass smokers of certain states to find the slithering facts and found this information on the snake on the Internet:

Chinese New Year is the most important and, at 15 days, the longest holiday in China. Chinese New Year begins on the first day of the lunar calendar, so it is also called Lunar New Year, and it is considered the beginning of spring, so it is also called Spring Festival. 

Chinese Year of the Snake 2013 

If you were born in the Year of the Snake 2013 is significant for you because 2013 is the Year of the Snake! So what will 2013 hold for the person born in the Year of the Snake? First, let us review the characteristics of a person born in the Year of the Snake. 

According to Chinese Astrology, the Year of the Snake person is a smart person. They think of clever schemes in a cold calculating manner. This Chinese zodiac animal sign represents people who are loners and use others to achieve their aims and goals. Their Chinese horoscope makes for interesting reading. Their goals may be worthwhile for mankind or could be solely for the gain of the Snake person. Some people find them attractive because of their swift movement and slender silky beauty. Other people are repelled by the Year of the Snake person because of their perceived danger. Whatever - the person born in the Year of the Snake will invoke a strong reaction from people.

Born In The Year of the Snake 2013 

What about 2013 for the person born in the Year of the Snake? 

That person will continue with their Snake characteristics - clever, calculating and planning to achieve goals. But, because 2013 is the Year of the Snake, they could become complacent because it is their year. They might just drift along thinking it will happen - from business ventures to relationships. Not having their finger on the pulse means problems could arise and blow up in their face. 

However, this can be avoided if the Year of the Snake person makes an extra effort to be on top of things and not expect it all to happen without effort. If this complacency can be avoided, then 2013 should be a good year for the person born in the Year of the Snake. Of all the 12 zodiac animals, the snake most resembles the dragon in appearance. In fact, the snake is sometimes called the "little dragon". The Dragon is considered the most powerful and lucky of all the zodiac animals. Some of this aura rubs off onto the person born in the Year of the Snake. 

So 2013 should be a year in which successes occur for the Year of the Snake person provided they can overcome complacency that could creep in. A word of warning though - some people are still scared of snakes - with good reason because they bite and kill people. So, it would be advisable not to wear clothing or jewellry with snake pictures or emblems because this will scare people away from you. These may be people you need to help you achieve your schemes and goals.

Snake Year Finance 

People born in the Year of the Snake often make a lot of money - after all they are smart cold calculating creatures! And the Year of the Dragon just finished (2012) was a lucky year. That luck should follow the Snake person's ability to make money. However, once again complacency means that the money could be frittered away without any lasting benefit. Again - fight the complacency and look after any monetary gains you may get. Plan for the future and what to do with the money. 2013 is a good time to invest for your future - who knows how long your good fortune will last. Don't fritter it away.

Snake Year Business and Careers 

We have already seen what a cool calculating clever person the person born in the Year of the Snake is. They are quick to spot new opportunities and have the skills to act on them. 

So 2013 should be a good year for career and business opportunities. 

Are you looking for some new opportunities in 2013? Or do you want to grow your existing business? Then have a look at my story for some ideas. However, whatever you do, you should apply intelligence, work hard and stay focused. Watch out for that complacency and indifference that may bring about the down fall of a person born in the Year of the Snake. 

A Year of the Snake person should actively use their skills to make things happen - otherwise they are in danger of exciting prospects slipping away.

Snake Year Romance 

The Year of the Snake person has a certain allure (sleek, sexy, powerful, hint of danger) to some other people - those people not put off by the dangers that snakes can have. This can lead to volatile but exciting relationships - nothing boring in the life of a person born in the Year of the Snake. Snake people can be a bit of a loner and aloof at times. 2013 should be a good year for relationships as long as they overcome their aloofness and reserved nature when interacting with other people.

2013 will be a challenging year for the person born in the Year of the Snake. Great opportunities will be present but will the Snake person be able to maximize their considerable skills and guard against complacency and indifference?

We thank you all for the information that we found on the Internet and remember, if it is on the Internet, it must be true...

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW...


Thursday, February 7, 2013


by Nick Ashton, CEO/Founder, Tracometry Group of Companies.

What do I know about you?

What information is lurking out in the real world regarding your business?

What is the information we have on how your city is run and its real financial status and how it can be improved dramatically?

Is what is carried in your wallet, clutch or handbag and even your Smart Mobile Phone, tablet or laptop really safe?  

Mind reading is an art that has been around for centuries and is not just presented at the State Fair.

Ladies and Gentlemen, turn on the volume, lean back and watch, then call us to understand how much we know about you and your social life and business, your city and...

CALL +1 (317) 426.0110


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

We, collectively can save the city..

Do not throw away the keys to your city
by Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry.

Fox News reports that the Baltimore city government is on a path to financial ruin and must enact major reforms to stave off bankruptcy, according to a 10-year forecast the city commissioned from an outside firm.

The forecast, ahead of its release to the public and the City Council on Wednesday, shows that the city will accumulate $745 million in budget deficits over the next decade because of a widening gap between projected revenues and expenditures.

If the city's infrastructure needs and its liability for retiree health care benefits are included, the total shortfall reaches $2 billion over 10 years, the report found. Baltimore's annual operating budget is $2.2 billion.

The forecast will provide the basis for financial reforms that Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake plans to propose next week. The city has dealt with budget deficits for the past several years, closing a $121 million gap in 2010. But those deficits have been addressed with one-time fixes that haven't addressed the long-term structural imbalance.


Tracometry Group of Companies states:

"It is time to work from within in a very stable, logical precise manner!

Whose city is it?  Not the governments, councillors, Mayor or any other dignitary who sits on a committee or council.  It is "of the people"!

The money owed by local business, citizens in ordinance fines, fees and permits is more money than you need to pay the ongoing bills and beyond."  

Pay it!  Pay it now!  

"Or be taxed to your dying day in ways that are objectionable but will slow change the social structure of your city in ways you do not want to know about.

This is where you were born and raised, the city worked with you and for you, gave life to many, many thousands of people.  It is from the heart and innovation from within that will bring the city back to life.  Do not pull the plug and kill what you and your family worked for.  There is more that will be done with all your help, sweat and previous toil."

"When you have budget after budget and you know that there are systemic problems, I felt an obligation to do more than what we have done in the past," Rawlings-Blake told the AP. The forecast, she said, shows that the city needs to address its financial woes "before it's too late, and somebody is coming in and making these choices for us."

That's what happened to the District of Columbia, 38 miles to the south, in 1995 after the city reported a budget deficit of $700 million. Congress created a financial control board that instituted tight spending controls and ultimately took over all hiring and firing in nine city agencies. The spending cuts, combined with a robust regional and national economy, drove the nation's capital back into the black.

Not all municipalities have been so fortunate. In late 2011, Jefferson County, Ala., filed the nation's largest-ever local government bankruptcy, citing $4.15 billion in debt, and last year, Stockton, Calif., became the largest American city to declare bankruptcy.

In Baltimore, the erosion of the tax base is easy to see. The city's population has dropped from a peak of 950,000 in 1950 to 619,000 today, and while the decline has slowed, there have been few signs of the trend reversing. The median income is $40,000, and 22 percent of the city's residents live in poverty, according to Census data. The city also has 16,000 vacant properties.

Baltimore already has the highest property taxes in Maryland -- twice as high as in neighboring Baltimore County. The city's local income taxes are the highest allowed under state law. While the city enacted some new taxes to deal with the 2010 deficit -- including taxes on bottled beverages and higher hotel and parking levies -- city officials say they can't tax their way out of the problem without driving away residents and businesses.

"We've got to go from a vicious cycle to a virtuous cycle. That starts with a good, stable fiscal foundation for the city government," said Andrew Kleine, the city's budget director. "When you've lost so much population and the tax base has shrunk, it's very difficult to deal with."

If the city chose to use its reserve fund to cover the deficits, the fund would be empty in three years, the report found.

"Quite simply, a status quo approach is not financially sustainable," the report says.
Baltimore needs recoupeit that reunite revenue$ for cities and commerce.  At its base, the working knowledge from a law enforcement and military perspective of a uniform proactive approach. Understanding human nature in social situations and next event predictability, by using our statistical expertise is at the heart of our success.

In addition,
The Pied Piper Project – Involving revival of communities and neighborhoods, effectively bringing back Trust and Respect for All.  Using existing city codes and laws to clean up the problems in a few short months.

The Pied Piper Project (P3) © is a community based revitalization program.  Changing the social vista, using existing codes and laws, that clean up and clean out the neighborhood and communities in an expedited manner.  Policing, this includes animal control, housing (code enforcement), tenant/landlord ethic codes, gang and drug enforcement and community policing.  A proven solution that works in short periods and is then maintained. It makes folks sing to your respectful tune.

In 2010, the mayor's office released a "doomsday" budget that would have meant firing police officers and closing seven fire stations, among other cuts, and some criticized the move as a tactic intended to soften up the City Council to approve tax increases.

But officials say the new forecast doesn't envision a worst-case scenario. It assumes modest economic growth nationwide over the next decade, said Michael Nadol, a management director at PFM and a lead author of the report.
Rawlings-Blake said the report was intended to be an honest assessment.

"It's not like we've had rosy budgets over the past five years, and now we're screaming that the sky is falling," she said.

Health care benefits for retired city workers will be a major drag on city finances in the future, according to the forecasts. The city still faces increasing pension costs despite a recent restructuring of the pension plans for police officers and firefighters.

Like many cities, Baltimore doesn't factor the escalating future costs of retiree health care into its annual budgets, and if that doesn't change, the city will be on the hook for another $300 million in 10 years, the report found.

"Most government budget practices are for one single time, working on year-by-year financial affairs and this will change with a proven virtuous financial circle of stability", states Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry.

CALL +1 (317) 426.0110 

Copyright 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Normal Service Can and Will Be Resumed...

Street Level Digital Input Solutions, Collections
Full Criminal/Civil/Deductive Analytics, Tracking, Call for Service, Next Event Predictability, Intelligent Social Survival Initiatives

Telephone: +1 (317) 426.0110

Ordinance(1) or Ordnance(2)?
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

Two very different meanings and sadly in one respect, both are explosive or implosive in negative and opposite manners.

There is an implosive decline in revenue collections with municipal/city ordinances. The explosive aspect is taxation, the main stay of any city worldwide.  On the other hand, why pass the rules if you never going to follow through enact and collect the taxes/fines/administrative fees imposed?  Basically failing the citizens and the infrastructure requirements of the people who elected you!

Over the last decade the understanding of the infrastructure to administer a municipality has changed drastically and those involved are blinded by the fast moving situations that surround them.  The rules written to run a city have changed so drastically, the ongoing staff and ever-changing elected officials just keep the wheels on the train moving in the way it has always been done.

The downturn in the country’s economy has blindsided us all and everyone is trying to manage the situation and we all know the closer you are to a situation the less you see and everyone around you has an opinion. 

Guess what?  The Tracometry Group of Companies has an opinion too!  A welcome opinion that has been proven time and time again and wants to partner with you to get the revenues back to the rightful owners, the municipality and the citizens.

Through our team of down to earth street smart innovators, managers, analysts, software designers, ex-senior law enforcement, compliance directors and financial managers, we have full understanding of today’s requirements.  We have the tribal knowledge of the streets, that municipal beat to maintain and grow a city’s economy, working with citizens, community and neighborhoods, bring back the respect, trust and reuniting revenues to make the city what it was and what it should be for us all.

City police and county sheriffs are sworn to protect and serve and through budget cuts, in reality, lack of monies being brought in by city and counties, their ability is jeopardizing everyone, the officers and the citizens alike. We have the remedies, not just one, but a myriad of proven solutions and not in a cookie cutter fashion.

It is a cross benefit approach to each and every city, county and state we provide.  We do not believe in the “them and us” situation.  This is a cohesive cross pollination of situations, ideas and proven methodology.  We believe in placing it all on the table.  The successful way back to economic stability and community well-being is vital for us all.  We all live in cities, towns, counties and states that make up this nation.  Our techniques work worldwide as we have proven time and time again.

Tracometry Group of Companies has you covered from start to finish.  
The proven elements and experience to solve this major nationwide financial problem.  From all aspects that you require:
  • digital method of issuing parking citations
  • full photographic evidence, so far less challenges
  • moving violations
  • court administration fees
  • code enforcement issuance
  • building permit inspections/issuance
  • health violations
  • database management
  • online payment solution
  • full crime, civil, deductive analytics
  • tracking
  • next event predictability
  • collections - reuniting the revenue$
Through our solutions and company’s we are a virtuous financial circle, with the final results of reunited revenues to the rightful recipient.

Tracometry Group of Companies:

Penamatics Digital Pen & paper Citation Issuance/Collections Solution with Street Level Real Time Data Collection, which includes Volunteers in Street Policing (VSP). 

PosiQR secure QR codes for counterfeit recognition, compliance and effective pen or keyboard free input.

Tracometry Crime Analytics, Tracking, Call for Service Data, & Next Event Predictability Either State repository for crime data and analytical department Street Level Data, enhancing full effective crime solving.   Allowing the public to see the calls for service and crime statistics via the Internet 24/7.

The Pied Piper Project – Involving revival of communities and neighborhoods, effectively bringing back Trust and Respect for All.  Using existing city codes and laws to clean up the problems in a few short months.
recoupeit collections that reunite revenue$ for cities and commerce.

Let the Tracometry Group of Companies become your strategic partner and work with you to formulate your solutions for issuance to collections.  Yes, we complete the virtuous financial circle and bring your citizens the revenues to provide the promised and expected services.

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…


Ordnance may refer to:

(1) Military:

· Weapons and ammunition

· Military logistics, especially provision of weapons and ammunition

· ordnance weapon, a personal weapon issued to a member of a military unit

· Aircraft ordnance, weapons carried by and used by an aircraft

· Artillery, often in the formal name e.g. as in Ordnance Survey

· Artillery shells, specifically unexploded ordnance

· Ordnance Datum, (from use in ballistics) a vertical datum used as the basis for deriving altitudes on maps

· Ordnance, Oregon, a former community near the Umatilla Chemical Depot

Ordinance may refer to:

(2) Law:

· Local ordinance, a law made by a municipality or other local authority

· Act of Parliament, in some jurisdictions, such as England when the parliament operated without regal sanction, and a number of British colonies

· Royal ordinance, see Decree

· Ordonnance (French constitutional law), in French government, a regulation adopted by the executive in a domain normally reserved for statute law

· Ordinance (Belgium), a law adopted by the Brussels Parliament or the Common Community Commission

· Ordinance (university), a particular class of internal legislation in a United Kingdom university

· Ordinance XX, a law passed down in Pakistan which prevents Ahmadi Muslims from being identified as Muslims

In religion:

· Ordination, the process by which one is consecrated

· Ecclesiastical ordinances, the bylaws of a Christian religious organization

· Ordinance (Christian), Protestant term for religious ritual

· Baptist ordinance, Believer's Baptism and Lord's Supper

· Ordinance (Latter Day Saints), a religious ritual of special significance

· Ordinance room, place for Latter Day Saint ordinances