Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Success or Failure is Not a Mystery, It just eludes those that lose focus, but can be brought back on track.

Success or Failure is Not a Mystery,
It just eludes those that lose focus, but can be brought back on track.

It starts out with good intentions, an innovation, a commercial idea, service, manufactured product and the inner core of a creative business opportunity.  This is an exciting time that we as individuals never forget.  It is a dream that with good business acumen, investment and hard work will and will be a reality.

Now some, have brilliant ideas and sadly lack in several areas, management and manufacturing skills and importantly, finance.  This is where certain conflicts rear their ugly heads.  It is the possessive clasping of the opportunity and not wanting to let go.  Without the money, marketing and manufacturing there is nothing!

There is always a foundation when building a structure, the footings that will allow the building or in this case, the business to actually have stable support and grow.  The momentum is all important and must be adjusted along the way, otherwise, it will slowly wither and die. 

That does not please investors and why they want control of the financial aspects.  Sales, marketing and manufacturing may not be part of their collective attributes, but all are affected.  Your original team can only take you so far, before you absolutely need to make that change. 

Instead of being top down management it has been reversed, it is now bottom up, importantly there had better be a meeting of the minds in the middle. Otherwise it is a recipe for disaster.

As time moves on, just like the romance of a lover and partner, it has to be worked on.  Give and take, flowers, wining and dining, with true dedication to one another.  That is in the real world and we know that it does not work like that at all.  The hic-cups and bumps in the road happen.  We do not always see them for ourselves as we are too close or our energy has been replaced.  We are ignoring the wrong things and can only result in adversity.

In a company, marketing, sales strategy and targeting change over time.

Sometimes you do not react quickly enough or as you have never notice the problem in the first place, you then over react.  The consequences are a recipe for devastating results. 

It is likened to over compensating when driving a car and go into a skid on ice.  Seat belts and airbags have saved so many and your company needs these safety features.

The owner and his board can have a fuller understanding of the issues by authorizing a consultancy to enquire to the real problems and then implement the structure for change.

Our abilities and solutions are not a boiler-plate and a one size fits all scenario.  Preconceived ideas are a road to failure. 

They may sound good, but we are not here to just to voice opinions, we are here to succeed for you, your products/services, customers and employees.

It is bringing this cultural understanding from all directions that is the key.
Yes, we bring a new perspective with a business GPS and road map for implantation to increasing turnover, profit and enhancing the people skill sets of those within.
It is time to Pinpoint and Pivot the issues to move you forward and bring you the profitability and continuous success you wish to see again.

It is time to Pinpoint and Pivot the issues to move you forward and bring you the profitability and continuous success you wish to see again.

telephone: +1 (614) 655-1247

copyright 2015

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