Monday, June 24, 2013

The government thinks they are your parents, treating you like a child gone wild in a supermarket and never follows through…

The government thinks they are your parents, 
treating you like a child gone wild in 
a supermarket and never follows through…
By Nick Ashton, Founder, CEO, Tracometry Group of Companies.

We have all been shopping in the supermarket and hear the immortal words, “If You Do That One More Time, I Will Beat You and You Will Get No Candy”.  They never do, false threats, just like government officials.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has said it would be "disappointing" if Russia and China had helped US fugitive Edward Snowden evade US attempts to extradite him from Hong Kong.

Speaking during a visit to India, Mr. Kerry said there would inevitably be "consequences" to such a move.

Mr. Snowden flew out of Hong Kong to Moscow on Sunday.

He was thought to have flown to Cuba, but Ecuador's foreign minister has since implied he was still in Russia.

Speaking during a visit to Vietnam, Ricardo Patino said Equador had maintained "respectful and diplomatic contacts" with the Russian government so Moscow can "make the decision it feels is most convenient in accordance with its laws and politics and in accordance with the international laws and norms that could be applied to this case".

If someone is upset with something at work, whether it be private sector of government, they must be able to vent their concerns.  Bullying is so prevalent in business today and must be stopped! 

In the case of Snowden, you was concerned about how the government was denying that they were snooping, but were and he felt he had to out the NSA.  It is just the way he has done it that concerns me.  Although, I believe if he had reported internally, we would never hear hide nor hair of him ever again.
The media is flowing anything that looks like a spook right now and reporting on nothing.  Let it play out and we shall see where the cards or thumb drives land…

In the world that Tracometry Group of Companies lives and works in, believe that it is the quality of the leadership and their communication skills that are vital and most agencies need retraining in this department.  It is then with the Street Smart Chatter that we collect in real time the information of the streets, that is the key.  It is then analytically processed and we provide the current information for action. 

All together we have the elements for success.

How are you knowing what is going on with your competition or even among your employees?  Imagine a government not complying with the wishes of the people who elected them, where would that lead?  

Ask Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Brazil, what were they missing?

Intelligence of the Streets!

WE are in the NOW and
KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

Street Level Digital Input Real Time Solutions & Atmospheric Chatter
Tracometry People – Leadership & Communications Core Change Agents
Full Criminal/Civil Analytics, Tracking Analysis, Calls for Service Data,
Point to Point Tracking, Next Event Predictability,
The Pied Piper Project - Intelligent Social Survival Initiatives
Proactive Palaestra – Preventing In-Custody Death
Sniffers – Canine Explosive, Drug & Border Solutions
Recoupeit – Reuniting Revenues
Tracometry Leadership & Communications -TLC

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