Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Create An Exceptional Experience For Your Event!

Create An Exceptional Experience For Your Event!

We are so much more socially inclined than ever before.  From Spring to Fall, we have every event imaginable going on, charity walks, beer and art festivals, family sports events and all are there to promote something oh so special.

Promote for the NOW and for Next year!

Digital Dialogue was borne out what we do as a company to garner and glean attention.  Social media is nothing new to us or the technological understandings.  After all, we analyze this information for business clients every single day.

It was only natural to further our reach when our clients asked if we could assist them in promoting and ensuring their social media interactions were reaching the right people cost effectively.

So, we can coach and mentor your employees to use their “Fingers & Thumbs” more than productively in creating the digital dialogue or words, graphics, and video to literally grab the attention of all in seconds.

Social media creation is a mindset all of its own. Control of emotions and the fingers and thumbs is so important for all companies, one wrong word and you can have a tempest in a teacup.  Shakespeare would have a field day with Twitter & Facebook and his ‘Taming of the Shew’ or ‘Much ado about nothing’!  
Let alone presidential tweets!

We offer you the hands-on ability to promote your event through social media with a flow of pertinent information prior to, more social media interaction during the event of both words, ‘interview shorts’ photographs, graphics, and video, with a combined interaction with the public attendees being involved. 
Allowing those attendees a vehicle to post comments, photographs and the excitement which is captured in the moment and archived for future events for promotional gain.

It is productivity perfection personified!


CommSmart Global Group – Virtual Digital Dialogue Center
A LexisNexis Risk Solutions Partner

Direct Telephone: +1 (515) 300.6130                                             

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