Wednesday, July 24, 2019

RESPECTISM Vs. RACISM - Now, a very personal experience

by Nicholas Ashton, CEO/CIO, CommSmart Global Group

Respectism there is no such word I thought, but then again, this is 2019 and you can invent whatever you like and someone did!

Sadly, I was on the receiving end of more than racism.  It has taken my friends, business colleagues and lawyers to calm me down.  

It personally hurt me deeply and I, like others including the witness who heard this disparaging statement by this corporate individual, whom I have never met, or even wish to.  

I will see this excuse for a man in court with his company and will show at all levels there are bullying and racism by individuals, whose co-workers know his opinions and issues, who should never be in a position of management with such ideology and a concerning cultural attitude.  A video will follow which is being approved by the lawyers.

It was uttered by an employee of the company I have worked beside for many years.  A LexisNexis, management employee utter words over a speakerphone that was disgusting!  LexisNexis and I, with my company, have parted ways and they thought that would silence me.  It has not!  

The crazy fact is, I am White, English and a Jew...

"RESPECTISM is the belief that a respectful society is a pragmatic necessity for survival"

We are told it was created with the following in mind: 

"When we talk about containing pollution or genocide or nuclear weapons, it is surprising that we have not recognized the central truth: 

We are the problem.

Until the truth about the universal need for a respectful society is recognized and addressed by enough of us, we will never be able to solve the perilous riddle of how to survive our weapons, our waste, and the total disrespect for the sovereignty of the basic values, our flag and national anthem.

Respectism defines a respectful society as one in which enough of us are cooperating to help each other balance the three every day, instinctual elements of respect: respect for self, others, and place.

Respect for self-honors the individual will survive and thrive, respect for others honor the humanity of all human beings and honors the life that surrounds us, respect for place honors everything from a shared table to shared earth, water, air and a common respect for each other in all that has in past.

The respectism tri-model presents respect as centering of three values that usually overlap, but which are not the same, honestly admitting that true respect is a skill to be developed over a lifetime.

Not everyone is ready to believe that a more respectful society is essential to our survival.  We saw this on Sunday with disrespectful NFL players taking the knee during the playing of America's National Anthem.

Throughout history, there have been selfish and mean leaders, those who have willingly followed them, and those who have said we will never change. 

This past event by overpaid disrespectful lowlifes is a prime example and those in senior management or ownership are just as bad!

Those of us who believe that a more respectful society is essential and possible will want to do the following:

First, individual and institutional respect for self, others and place will have to be relentlessly advertised.

Second, the abusive must be respectfully kept from power, and the behavior patterns of those who rule through fear, abuse, exploitation of prejudice and distortion of principles must be commonly recognized in order to assist in that endeavor.

Third, fair dealing, based on listening dialogue, honest negotiation, and equality must be promoted as the mechanism for creating a respectful society in public and private settings including justice for all, representative leadership and governance, economic exchange, the meeting of basic human needs, friendship, family, and love.

Fourth, the success of a respectful society must be measured by the decrease of all acts and threats of violence and involuntary detention, including those needed for true self-defense of the individual or society, as well as by the decrease in hunger and homelessness, and in the quality of our air, land, and water.

Fifth, the principles of a respectful society must be kept simple and clear enough for young children to learn, adults to believe and the weak to own as well as the powerful, so that respectism is never confused with an illusion of respectability, or authoritarianism, or made the enemy of liberty.
If a respectful society seems like an idealistic fantasy, please answer this question: "How will we survive without changing our behavior towards one another?"

No one knows exactly how we will create a respectful society any more than the inventors of the first flying machine could have imagined a space shuttle.

We must start performing countless experiments with respect if we are to survive.

We should start now.

"Love is the soul of respect, 
and respect is the language of love."
Telephone: (515) 200.7068

copyright 2019

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