Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Next Monster Attack...

The Next Monster Attack...

The safety of individuals of all ages is linked directly to the problems that are within human nature.  The failure to see, hear and act on the information that is right in front of our eyes and inaudible receipt of our ears!  Creating the right mix of security, societal reasoning, and acceptable standards will be argued upon by a mixture of thoughts, ideas and pure fantasy by all.

Mental Health Problems are out of control and yet, we do nothing about it.  The lump under the carpet is being tripped over by us all and we do nothing to clean it up.  The mental institutions are the streets, shelters and our own homes, in some cases.  Meaning that we know who this person is and blissfully ignoring their insanity, the unknown quantity of their next actions, making them the headline of tomorrow.

How will you feel with that guilty on your hands?  Informing of a mental problem of someone is not being a noisy neighbor, a tattle tale or a snitch, it is a protective service to all! 

Guns are seen as the killing problem by people who think they know why people use and purchase guns.  If there was not one gun in the world, the knife, rock, piece of wood or even a length of rope would be used to carry out the deadly deed.

The gun in any wrong hand is a lethal weapon and we have seen this happen in many a household by forgetful parents who have allowed a child to have access and play with a deadly implement, with dire consequences.  Banning guns or types of guns will not stop the carnage.

Security techniques for the protection of human life in today's society are as archaic as a simple gatekeeper system.  The creation of the Air Marshall Program after 9/11 is a prime example and was put in place with no forethought whatsoever, just a knee-jerk reaction by those that use political instinct to all our detriment.  

Arming commercial pilots was thought to be the best idea, few pilots even considered the option.  The best part of the plan was the hardening of the cockpit door and stopping access.  It is a gatekeeper mentality that has to be the crux of all systems.  Knowing who you are getting into the hen house, so to speak.

The secondary problem is the hens... you must know your students, teaching each individual to have their wits about them and report possible problems. The ground rules have changed and with our technology, we can isolate impending problems and have a visual of all that occurs within. 

Education facilities, which include K thru 12, colleges, universities and vocational entities are centers of learning and we, the public and security professionals must learn from the mistakes and thoughts of the past failures.

There is never 100% security and we cannot expect that.  Nutcases will penetrate walls of security and it is our job to minimize that possibility.  Once you understand that fact, then we can move forward with all options on the table.

The streets are full of ticking time bombs of homeless and street people that are ignored by the masses as loonies and bums.  The streets contain the outcasts of society and conceal hidden problems.  It does not just occur on the streets, in your own families, friendship circles and the workplace have as many, hidden, in plain sight and never openly spoken about.  This will change!

It reminds me of a very old television commercial for a tonic water.  Schhhh... Swept out of sight and out of mind, until the next monster event.

Tracometry People have the internal and external qualifications to resolve these issues.  It is our criminal analytics, tracking, next event predictability at street level that has given us the edge.  It is not just the digital collection of the data, in-house analysts, created algorithms, patterns of concern, which we then have infused with our worldwide law enforcement understanding and counter-terrorism knowledge going back to the 1960's.  

Technology is a key part of moving forward with provisions of capabilities. You can never underestimate your opposition and having dialogue at all levels is an extreme must.

This is the time for talking, examining and planning... 

We Are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW...

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UK: 0207 1019247

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