Friday, February 15, 2013

This Is About You!

Community Change 

community change video blog

Do me a favor, take a good look around you, what do you see?  Does it look normal to you?  Okay, so the street is quite, calm and what is going on behind the closed doors has nothing to do with you.  You, like the majority keep yourself to yourself, right?  You don’t like sticking your nose in other people’s business, right?  So the world can go to hell in a hang basket and it is none of your business, right?


We all know that perfection is impossible, but tell that to the politicians and celebrities!  No, it is possible to bring back trust and strive for near perfection.  In your life time, many things have changed and seemed to have changed overnight.  Back in my day as a child, summer holidays in Britain seemed much longer and far warmer, they were not.  The prices also didn’t seem so high and people respected each other, saying please and thank you, yes sir, no sir, you know what I mean.  It is about respect and trust which in this decade has gone!  Not gone forever, but on the back burner, waiting to be reignited to glow once more.

I keep hearing people say this is the land of plenty…plenty of what?  We have plenty hunger, homelessness, ignorance, uneducated, truancy, murder, rape, domestic and drug abuse, boarded up houses, poverty, unemployment, doom and gloom and the list goes on.

One thing we do have is plenty of hope and expectation, which is where you come in.

Let me explain, our neighborhoods and communities are not the same as they use to be.  In fact, they were better in Charles Dickens’s days.  It has a lot to do with intelligence, day to day life and the inner workings of a true family.

What happened is not the question, it what we must do to bring back the trust and respect in the family, no matter if it is a one or two parent situation, the streets, business, co-workers and pride in what we can achieve, change will occur with a little bit of work.

The Pied Piper Project (P3)Involving a proven revival of communities and neighborhoods, effectively bringing back Trust and Respect for All.  Using existing city codes and laws to clean up the problems in a few short months.  It uses the community police, drug/gang units, housing/code enforcement, animal control and local interfaith or inner city youth, parenting, employment and education programs.

This includes a facility that is not only a mentoring center, it includes teaching skills, life examples, business and trade opportunities by their one on one involvement. 

It is the START of the REST of THEIR LIVES!

The business opportunities include catering, gardening, furniture restoration, white goods, such as dishwashers, stoves, washers and dryers, and refrigerators. All under the watchful eye of trained retired individuals that want to give back and assist in the next journey for all.

Crime can and will be reduced by intervention with the families of the criminals and our program confronts the known offenders, who are shown the facts of their activities and what will happen to them if they continue.  The front cover unsigned warrant will say it all.  They have to sing and play our music or the consequences will be enacted severely.

recoupeit is about reuniting revenues for a municipality or city.  Monies that have not been collected reduce what the financial side of the city can do for the citizens.  We include professional collections from the municipal courts, parking/booting fines and other general debt, including sales and property taxes.  This pays for the services and technology that law enforcement requires today and includes our 24/7 RAIDSONLINE, this is the analytical side of what we do.  Knowledge is everything and with our crime analytics, tracking, calls for service and next event predictability, law enforcement has all the necessary tools at their fingertips. 

recoupeit collects the debts to the city and allows them to have the technology to protect and serve, bringing back the trust and respect to the neighborhoods. 

So we are here waiting to make that change with you…

Call: +1 (317) 426.0110

WE are in the NOW and KEEP YOU; in the KNOW…

Copyright 2013

1 comment:

  1. Your energy is contagious, Nick. People are so ready for real change, but waiting for a emergence of a new breed of leaders that can use our collective knowledge, our social technologies and social networks to bust past the old power guard that are more interested in keeping their power bases than they are in bringing about real change.
