Friday, March 6, 2015

Who is Wagging the Tail?

In your Company, Who is the Dog and Who is the Tail?

Is your sales manager and sales team communicating
conducively to you and contributing to your businesses success?

Some CEO’s and Boards have vivid images of sales managers and salesmen: Egomaniacal, Slimy Schmoozers, Embellishers, Flamboyant Story Tellers and Downright Liars.  

They are Shortsighted Bulldozers who level everything in their path, even their own Mother-in-law.  With all that cursed baggage, no wonder CEO's and the Board view the sales manager role as a necessary evil.  The devil in disguise so to speak.

Why do we have sales managers in the first place? 

It is said that the sales manager position was invented because most CEOs are willing to do anything in their power to avoid having salespeople reporting to them and under their wing.  In fact, even those CEOs who have the hankering to go on sales calls for the full process, from the initial presentation to closing the deal, the hint of having to manage a salesperson, let alone a sales team, sounds as pleasant as being handled by airport security or having a rectal exam.

The work of a small business leader (or a larger business leader, for that matter) should be focused on the things that will push the business forward, and that doesn't include deciding what sorts of tablets and smart phones to buy, the specific language in a marketing piece or banner headline, an area that has many small business CEOs drown themselves in, to the point of desperation, or even the terms and conditions of an normal deal. If you let them get to you, the issues and details will own you, and your staff will never learn to take the reins on the smallest “important” thing in daily and normal business.

It is all processes, adaptability and proven success.

"Just like a pack of wolves, leadership establishment is absolutely necessary. No, not a fight to the death or bloodletting!

There is no point in thinking there is a stereotype check list. It has to be natural not manufactured, otherwise it is seen as a falsehood. It depends on the individual and the adaptability that can be created.

Leadership is not dominating the scene, it is the ability to listen, adapt and then act." 

"Selfies" do not personify team success or collaboration. 

This is a team effort that requires fresh eyes and ears and we will assist in your capabilities of moving forward.  CEO’s and Board are focused so closely on what they know, their interpretation of the wants and needs of the clients, customers and internally, their sales staff.

Sales managers: Forecasting is the art of saying what will happen, and then explaining why it didn't!

Those who have knowledge don't predict.  Those that predict, don't have knowledge!

It is fully understanding by being that stranger asking the questions, you obtain such different answer that when the company or supplier is asking the same questions.  It is then being able to transfer the answer into solutions to make the difference.

That is how Salesmen4U creates great sales teams.

With decades of real experience, our proven methodology is built on a proper foundation.  Your sales team is an extremely important strategic asset.  They must therefore be created, enhanced, maintained and retained with the highest possible priority.  This is particularly true in Small & Medium Enterprises around the world.

It is also very hard to find affordable and professional services in this particular area.

Some scary facts

·         Less than 30% of all current sales professionals are worthwhile to be retained by the companies they work for!

·         75% of all start-ups go bankrupt within 3 years and of the remaining 25%, only 1% succeeds in becoming an SME.

·         Only 5% of all companies in any vertical market niche, can be defined as “leaders” in their domain. The rest are struggling daily to “hang on”.

·         99% of the businesses worldwide, are active in a RED OCEAN.

·         >70% of all active sales managers have no real leadership profile.

·         63% of all worldwide employees are “not engaged” and 24% are “actively disengaged”.

·         Some 40% of worldwide SMEs do not have a Sales Manager function.

·         >85% of companies do not enforce a tight sales cycle management discipline resulting in wasted time and missed sales opportunities.

·         Very few business software systems support true Sales Performance Automation and companies are therefore not in control of their salesmen’s’ activities.

  Salesmen4U was founded as an international service organization
  • Specialized solely in finding, retaining and developing professional Sales Teams thus substantially improving their Sales Performance

  • Targeted towards the Small and Medium Enterprises because...

  • We are all entrepreneurs ourselves

  • We know what is missing

  • The Global economy will be more influenced by SMEs due to faster adaptation to a changing world

A real down earth company that brings results, contact us, not next week, next month or next year.  Contact us now, never put off what you know needs fixing and if not, will only continue in a downward spiral.


Telephone:       North America: +1 (614) 655-1247

           Europe: +31 6 1130 3489

copyright 2015

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